Aeroflo2 Garden

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by euroskipster, Jan 19, 2010.

  1. I need assistance deciding on if Aeroflo2 systems are good. I want to use the 60+60expansion together and wish to know if it is efficient and can I get around the root problem by cutting the roots? What's the best way to keep and maintain it on a daily basis is what i am asking.

    The other problems I was reading in other forums are great but I am trying to see if this is the best way to produce alot of crop or is there another commercial system that I could use to grow lots of crop. Everything looks good so far however.
  2. If everything looks good, what's your question? Yes trimming roots is fine just don't overdo it. And I've never heard of the system you're referring to.

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