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Advice? Yellowing seedlings

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by Musa15, Dec 26, 2012.

  1. I'm looking for any advice. I am growing an Afghan Kush strain and the leaves and Cotyledon are yellowing, also there is some browning at the tips. Any advice would be much appreciated. Here is some info on the growing conditions:

    1 CFL bulb on each plant (spaced ~ 6 inches from the top of the plant)
    Coco growing medium with perlite
    pH of water ~ 6.5
    temperature 70-80 degrees F

    They appear to be nutrient deficient (like N deficiency), but I've always read that you shouldn't administer nutrients to seedlings?

    Here are some pics


  2. What's the ph of the runoff? I believe coco's pH is best at 5.8. This is the likely cause.

    Also, the bulb needs to be about 2 inches from the plants. How many watts?
  3. Hi BYOWeed

    23 watt bulbs
    I think they replace 60W incandescent bulbs

    Haven't ever checked the pH of the runoff. I am investing in a meter because I've been using indicator strips.
  4. #4 BYOweed, Dec 26, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 26, 2012
    Regular soil mediums don't require fancy meters, if you know what your doing. Coco and Hydro need more precise pH monitering equiptment.

    They are going to need way more light. About 6 more of those bulbs. 100w for one plant, 50 more for each extra plant, is the general rule
  5. coco contrains no notable amount of nutrients, Im fairly certain that means you gotta fertilize (lightly) right from the start.
    the dont-nute-seedlings rule only applies to soil.

  6. Really? I've grown WW seedlings under CFLs until about the ~2week mark and them switched them over to a MH set up. I know each strain is a little different, I will add some more CFLs adjacent to these.

  7. I think I'm going to dilute some nutrients and see what happens. My previous seedlings did really well with no nutes for the first few weeks of growth. But these look like they're already experiencing deficiency. Strange.

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