okay, looking to make a durable, smoking device for the outdoors. Preferably a stealth bong if one exists....i have a metal pipe i can take apart and spread the parts in my pack, but looking for something more "comfortable" lol. preferably not plastic too.
omg, im such a fucking genius!!!! its sooo simple!!!! it kills things!!! Catches fish!!! Stores an ounce!!! ITS THE MOST USEFUL ITEM EVER!! YouTube - Kanaal van wildernessoutfitters now just make a metal bowl (screw in), add a carb and you now have a sick 1inch diameter pipe delivering massive hits!! and im already in the process of making it! u can store everything you need to fish and an ounce....holy fuck! sorry for my over excitement but this is MASSIVE for me and outdoor weed smoking super enthusiasts edit- new design improvement, a sleeve for the inside you remove when smoking then put pack in to utilize the storage space for items im on a fucking ROLL!! (maybe its b/c i havent slept in >20 hours tho)
didnt think of it that way, just really an opportunistic meat acquiring device for survival (im a hiker, looking to go long distance) and its lightweight and totally the best invention ever, especially in an apocalypse!! help me think of a name for this, winner gets all the +rep i can give for one day
Unless you're Dave Canterbury, you didn't really come up with anything.. I didn't watch the whole video, but if you're talking about smoking out of that PVC pipe wrapped in rubber and copper that he puts on the front of the slingshot, you are not a genius If you're talking about attaching a metal pipe (intended for smoking) then I guess post a photo of the contraption after you finish it
drill 2 more holes, one for carb, one for bowl....dave canturbury didnt invent THAT...lol and its not hard to imagine, its basically a hollow tube. way to be a buzzkill, watch the whole video, its hollow inside, there is no copper, its string used for arrow fishing, the rubber is tape. come up with a more innovative design for a smoking device than an ultimate survival tool + smoking device. buzz is killed....wtg edit- if someone could find a way to hold the fishing line more securely i will give +rep for a week straight, dont forget naming it means +rep as well
There has been lots of discussions here about how smoking with PCB pipe is hazardous. But its your lungs maybe something like Triple S(Surprise Survival Smoke) idk why that popped into my head ha
using a metal bowl though, the bowl will be removable, is it still dangerous to smoke using PVC if im not actually heating it?
I usually use my dugout/one hitter, or I will pre roll some joints. That's what I usually do when out in nature. Occasionally I will use a pipe though. There was another time when me and a few buds were on a nice trail hugging some whitewater. my bud broguht his mini bong and we'd fill it with river water and icescicles to smoke out of. But yea, easiest is either a one hitter or just pre rolling some J's.
I dont understand, are you trying to hide it? when i go on treks i take a glass chillum and my sac, i use an aluminum water bottle to store it, keeps everything dry and air tight. I tried the pre-rolled joints but i like packing bowls more. Yeah plastic isnt the best thing to be smoking out of.