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Advice on issues experienced...

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by CamSnow, Apr 26, 2016.

  1. So, been experiencing issues consistently with a plant given to me into flower that looked like the Charlie Brown Christmas Tree of cannabis. I have gotten her to put on lots of branches and size but it seems no matter how little, or how much I feed her, she consistently has major issues with the leaves growing out without frying. Btw, she is in fox farms Ocean Forest. Using their own feeding schedule she still has the issues. I took a few pics, don't know if they are good enough, but any advice would help. Never had to deal with such a problem child and just want her to grow bigger and stronger the healthiest way possible. Again if anyone knows exactly why she seems to suffer nutrient burn without feedings, or with feedings regardless, I'd love to know how to approach this. Thanks!

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  2. Charlie brown is right, looks like an old momma on her way out...honestly i'm not real sure there is anyway back to healthy
  3. Well, she's less than a year old, I know that for a fact. Maybe 6 months, I obviously reverted her to Veg to allow me to put on size and everything, but that added a little to her age. But at this age, she shouldn't be on "her way out". She's still pushing out new branches and growth easy enough, just looks like she's getting extreme nute burn every time they hit a few days to weeks old. I am thinking maybe I'll try transplanting to a larger container and fresh soil with no nutes for a few weeks to try and help her clear out. But if she is "too old" and someone can confirm that 6 months is old enough to be at the end of life, I may just try and push her through a flowering at the smaller size she is after the transplant. Anyway, I hope that she just has that gnarled appearance of an Old Momma, and not the actual vitality of one. Like I said, she pushes up new branches and leaves easily, just looks too burnt for a deficiency. Thanks again for the help!

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