I've got several dozen seeds that I pulled from some regs a long time ago. Visiting my rural home during the holiday, I thought I'd plant a few/all of them before leaving for college in a few days. I probably won't re-visit the plant site until I finish my Spring semester. I intend to make the plot(s) in a loose cluster of trees next to a corn field, where lush vegetation grows in the summer. If YOU had junky seeds, not much time, were planting out of season, were not going to cultivate the plants, and had the mentioned location, how would you maximize it? How deep would you plant seeds, what would you bury them with, what might you cover them with, etc.? I don't expect much from this, I know these are not near choice conditions. Help me make them as effective as possible? Thanks!
These will not flower until fall, so... plant them when you get back in spring. BUT, if you insist About an inch down, 2-3 ft apart. partial sun or they will need too much water.
Central Texas. It normally doesn't get extremely cold, but we have also seen snow in the late spring. There's not a lot of precipitation and the dirt is thick and black.
Thanks! I thought I'd do some now for kicks, then try it again in the spring when these inevitably fail..
I'm all for test runs to get experience (I've spent the last year failing at grows) but if you aren't there what can you learn from the grow? Since it's just bag seed even if they grow great and healthy you won't be there to pull the males so even if it is successful it'll be incredibly seedy unless you are amazingly lucky.
I know.. I wish I could be there. I decided getting a bunch of males wouldn't be too bad, though, since that'd just give me a ton of ammunition for pranks involving respectable people's fertilized flower beds. It wouldn't be immature, I swear.