Advice about taking orders

Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by monsal, Mar 12, 2010.

  1. #1 monsal, Mar 12, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 12, 2010
    More specifically eating shit from people(eg work, life) . I have been working on myself about tolerating it but I break after a while. I want to be a silent mind. Any advice or eye opening articles?

    What I mean is in arguments, etc.
  2. Id have to say drugs, if you come up with a better way let me know man :D
  3. haha of course. but i mean sober
  4. what do you mean by "eating shit from people"?
  5. Being calm during arguments or situations which make you mad
  6. It takes work but what you have to do is actually pretty simple.

    Don't make yourself into the victim. You aren't a victim. It doesn't 'suck' and it isn't 'bad'. You wouldn't be putting up with it if you didn't want to get something out of the situation. Focus on why it is you put up with it, and try to keep that in mind. It gets pretty easy after that.

    You can't be perfect with it, either, because envisioning yourself as the victim is the great human dilemma. It will always happen, but that is what I try to do and it works well for me at least.
  7. intresting. any other advice appreciated :cool:
  8. Where is this topic even important?

    Only in your mind :p

    Its a reflex..who's deciding what emotions arise in a circumstance that happens? Figure that one out..

    Its not you.

    If you see that, can you see past 'that'
  9. Do what I do, I always fantasize about just snapping and whooping their ass and anyone who tries to stop me. It helps so much.

    It's like this...

    Vinvin! That patient is getting too much anesthesia.

    Then I say okay, sorry, and then fantasize about going bat shit insane by sticking needles in everyone.

    Then just smile.

    Just smile because you just fucked their shit up in your head.

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