advanced nutrients

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by switchridex, Feb 21, 2009.

  1. ok I've used a few different brands of nutrients and am now interested in advanced nutrients line. If i had the money is it worth it to get the FULL line of advanced
    1 Sensi Grow A - 1 Liter
    1 Sensi Grow B - 1 Liter
    1 Sensi Bloom A - 1 Liter
    1 Sensi Bloom B - 1 Liter
    1 Mother Earth Tea Grow - 1 Liter
    1 Mother Earth Tea Bloom - 1 Liter
    1 Grandma Enggy's Humic Acid - 1 Liter
    1 Grandma Enggy's Fulvic Acid - 1 Liter
    2 B-52 - 1 Liter
    1 Barricade - 4 oz
    2 Carboload Liquid - 1 Liter
    1 Sensizym - 4 Liter
    1 Piranha - 130 Gram
    1 Tarantula - 130 Gram
    1 Voodoo Juice - 1 Liter
    1 Bud Blood - 40 Gram
    1 Big Bud Powder - 130 Gram
    1 Overdrive - 1 Liter
    1 Final Phase - 1 Liter

    is there really that much of a difference when using large amounts of nutrients like this? Im under 2 1000 watt lights plants usually will go in 3-5 gallon is it worth it to get a huge package like this?
  2. basically like is it worth the money to spend the additional extraordinary amount of money
  3. Is it worth the money? Yes.

    But I wouldn't recommend you just go out and buy the whole thing. For one thing, it's better to get your legs with the base nutes and a couple additives before you get complicated. For another, it looks like AN is totally amping up their whole line and the new stuff is supposed to be out in a few weeks. So you might want to get that instead.
  4. So, for someone who's a complete noob and wants to spend as little as possible, does anyone know what I might use from Advanced Nutrients? I'm thinking of a hydro grow at first, though that's still up in the air since I get more confused each time I read about what I need to do.

    I tried looking at the Advanced Nutrients website, but there's just too much information on there for me to sort out. Anyone able to give me a cheat sheet to get started?

  5. I'd wager a decent grower could yield more with a single bottle of FloraNova Bloom.

  6. I'd wager a decent grower could yield more with a carefully-picked lineup of AN than with a single bottle of FloraNova Bloom.
  7. I'd wager that a decent grower could yield way more with aerogarden tablets :p
  8. Dude if your gonna do it, do it right. Buy the entire line of GH series grow, micro and bloom will do it but if you wanna play around you can get the enhancers GENERAL HYDROPONICS

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