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Adult ADD and Marijuana

Discussion in 'Medical Marijuana Usage and Applications' started by 944atl, Jan 14, 2010.

  1. Wow I just typed SO much, but it didn't Post so I'm going to post a shortened version. i'm 20 and have been smoking weed for 4-5 months. Today, I was lying in bed and couldn't sleep so I googles adult ADD. there was a questionaire that I scored a 76 on. Anything above 70 was full blown ADD, which basically describes exactly the way I behaved all through high school, and the way I'm acting now that I'm out.

    When I'm not smoking, I find myself extremely bored. time feels like it's not moving. I procrastinate severely on deadlines and can't focus on anything that's not interesting to me. On the other hand I can zone out for hours doing something that is interesting eg Photoshop or guitar.

    I feel like weed has both helped and hurt me. When I smoke, the boredom is cured. The day goes by faster, and I can focus on anything. I went from smoking every other Saturday to smoking anytime I get a chance which is normally like 3-3 times a day. When Im not smoking, I'm thinking of the next time i can. The only negative side effects I feel from the weed are impulsivity when buying things, and I get annoyed a little easier.

    I know marijuana is not "addictive" but is it possible for me to "feel" addicted due to the ADD?? I don't want to stop smoking and I feel like the positives outweigh the negatives, but is there anyone out there feeling the same thing as me?

    Thanks a ton for the help
  2. There are 2 parts to any addiction- physical and mental.

    Physical addiction is what we usually think of when we hear the word "addicting". Cannabis is about as physically addicting as coffee.

    But that is only half the story- psychological addiction can happen with any substance or action. I have a cousin who was psychologically addicted to Pepsi! He wasn't happy unless he had at least a half dozen 24 packs in the corner. Usually the stack was waist high. He could get his caffeine fix from coffee, but he NEEDED his Pepsi! Shopping, plastic surgery, watching TV, playing video games, sex and many other actions can also be addicting. Just don't let it get out of hand!

    And never go shopping on an empty stomach! Hunger increases your impulsiveness. A full tummy slows impulse buying. ;)

    Granny :wave:

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