Yeah it's so we know about the discounts I'm guessing. You can't just have a sale like that and not advertise it... Lol.
[quote name='"skunky monkey"']Dam, i kinda liked only seeing the ads before i logged on [/quote] Well you'll only have to put up with them for a couple weeks, which is a hell of a lot better than seeing them all the time that's for sure haha
[quote name='"skunky monkey"'] Oh i didn't know that. [/quote] Yeah, it's just to let people know of the sale going on, after the 8th of December I'm pretty sure they'll disappear
So there is no way for me to hide it? It's kind of annoying, because's the last thing on the page that loads So i'll be going to click whatever my top subscribed thread, and than the picture appears and I click that instead on accident and than I'm like: but, it's not really that big of a deal lol
Thanks for allowing us to opt out of the ad. Don't have anything against the ad, but I know how to access it if I wanted to see it. Again thanks gnik...