Adjusting Ph and Runoff water Ph

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by toxie101, Jan 27, 2010.

  1. I know this has been discussed to death. However, I haven't been able to find a clear answer on this and it is about the only area that is still leaving my scratching my head. Here is my scenario.

    I am growing in a 50/50 peat/perlite mix. My young seedlings are yellowing and growth is very slow.

    I was using a mild nutrient solution of about 350PPM and 6.5Ph. My runoff water is 4.5Ph.

    My question is, Should my runoff water be in my ideal Ph zone of 5.5-6Ph?

    If that is the case, I am adjusting my solution to be approx 9.0Ph so that I get about a 5.5-6Ph on my runoff.

    Thanks for your time!

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