Additives - Liquid Koolbloom or Open Sesame?

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by Zeratul, Feb 1, 2011.

  1. I just switched to 12/12 and flushed all of my individual bubble buckets and refilled with 1200ppms of Floranova Bloom (as instructed on the directions). I'm working with a 4'x8' SCRoG here that is overfull with 10 indica and 2 sativa under 1600W. I've been advised that the Open Sesame product will help my buds pop out a lot and that the whole line including chaching and one other will make golf-ball buds into apples! But I was using the Floranova brand stuff for veg: Floranova Grow + Floraliscious Plus. So basically I want to know if this Open Sesame line is worth the extra cash, or if I should stick with my Floralicious Plus and add in the others of the set (liquid Koolbloom and the other one). For more info about my setup, ask, or check my other threads with lots of pics in my sig. Thank you, ~Z :smoke:

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