Hello my friends. The girls are doing excellent I'm very excited for them. I'll add a picture from today as a comment since I don't have one saved. I just bought 2 125 watt cfls for to start the next generation of little ones and was wondering if it would be beneficial to the yeild if I put one of them on my flowering plants. They already have 1000 watt hps but I'm always rotating them feeling like they could use More light coming in from the other side. Good idea bad idea? Thanks everyone Sent from my SPH-L720T using Grasscity Forum mobile app
Tons of people use cfls to supplement light to areas that just cant get enough. Im not sure whether itd be worth the electricity tho The girls are looking amazing by the way
Hmm very good point. I guess I'll wait for someone who has tried it to answer. But I appreciate your input very much that is true. I figured 125 watts wouldent cost very much compared to the hps. Sent from my SPH-L720T using Grasscity Forum mobile app
125 cfl would cost pennies a day to run but i cant see that doing anything at all if ya have a 1000w going