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  1. Does weed in any way help add or ADHD? If so how and anyone have any personal experiences?
  2. And does it only help when your high? Or just in general after smoking someone regularily
  3. Smoking a sativa which energizes you can help with focusing and concentrating but I think I is only for the time you are high...

    Somebody else? I want to know the answer to.

  4. My son has ADHD, and gets good relief from MJ, HATES to take Pharmacy meds.:smoke:

    Of course he grows with me and Blazes ALOT:bongin::laughing:
  5. I find myself to have a lot of symptoms associated with ADHD. Hard for me to concentrate, sit still. When I burn then head to class I find how I'm able to sit still throughout the whole lesson and keep my attention 100% to the teacher.
  6. I work in education. One year we had a 7th grade boy who was failing badly. He started to come to school REEKING of pot! (Note- DO NOT "HOTBOX" IN A CAR ON THE WAY TO SCHOOL! I can smell it even through that awful "Axe" cologne or whatever it is! :p ) He settled down and finished his work for a change. I just kept my mouth shut and he just barely passed. :) His family moved, so I don't know if his improvement continued.

    And for those of you who want to back up your use with studies-

    ADHD by Ryan P (anecdotal - no date)
    ADHD by Ryan P

    Marijuana and ADD Therapeutic uses of Medical Marijuana in the treatment of ADD (no date)
    Therapeutic uses of Medical Marijuana in the treatment of Attention Deficit Disorder

    Recipe For Trouble (anecdotal/ news - 2002 )
    Recipe For Trouble - 48 Hours - CBS News

    Association between cannabinoid receptor gene (CNR1) and childhood attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder in Spanish male alcoholic patients (full - 2003)
    Molecular Psychiatry - Association between cannabinoid receptor gene (CNR1) and childhood attention deficit//hyperactivity disorder in Spanish male alcoholic patients

    Cannabinoids effective in animal model of hyperactivity disorder (abst - 2003)
    International Association for Cannabis as Medicine

    Cannabis 'Scrips to Calm Kids? (news - 2004) - Cannabis 'Scrips to Calm Kids? - Politics | Republican Party | Democratic Party | Political Spectrum

    Science: THC normalized impaired psychomotor performance and mood in a patient with hyperactivity disorder (news - 2007)
    International Association for Cannabis as Medicine

    Fitness to drive in spite (because) of THC (abst - 2007)
    Unbound MEDLINE | [Fitness to drive in spite (because) of THC] Journal article abstract

    Association of the Cannabinoid Receptor Gene (CNR1) With ADHD and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (full - 2008)
    Association of the Cannabinoid Receptor Gene (CNR1) With ADHD and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

    Cannabis Improves Symptoms of ADHD (full - 2008)

    Cannabis use and adult ADHD symptoms. (abst - 2008)
    Cannabis use and adult ADHD symptoms. [Drug Alcohol Depend. 2008] - PubMed result

    Autism, ADD, ADHD and Marijuana Therapy (news - 2008) - Preserving Ancient Knowledge

    Why I Give My 9-year-old Pot (anecdotal/news - 2009)
    Why I am giving marijuana to my 9-year-old autistic son.

    Hope that helps-

    Granny :wave:
  7. ive had adhd since i was little
    been on and off pills for it, i usually stop taking them because of how they make me not eat and i lose a lot of weight if i dont watch out
    but anyway, from my experience:

    pills: way better attention span and focus, but no appitite (usually to the point where i just plain forget to eat and even drink which often leads to migraines) and it puts me in a really "blah"ish mood, i tend to shy away from people and act pretty assholey. my guess is cuz its a downer..?

    bud: same attention span and focus boosts but also lots ambition and inspiration, (which i feel is important for me because i also have depression and the addition of these two really help keep me content and motivated) definitely no problems eating lol, and very sociable.

    from what ive noticed, good bud does about the same thing as my pills do, but without the negative side effects that alwasy turn me off from the pills

    as far as sativa vs indica goes, i dont usually know which of the two is dominant in whatever i get cuz its almost always no-name but logic tells me sativa cuz its a more uppity and active high and more present in your head and less in your body

    hope that helped
  8. ^^ true, i feel im the same way.. i think if weed were more legalized i could stay away from pills, actually know what kind of bud im getting, and attain more stability
    the confidence and ambition thing is spot on
  9. Not when your high but the after effect helps you concentrate better. Kinda like when you smoke a heavy indica right before bed you fall asleep then wake up the next day feeling refreshed.
  10. I've tried my fair share of ADHD medications, from Adderall, Strattera, Dexedrine, Focalin, and now I'm prescribed Vyvanse. I was sick of the horrible crashes and how anti-social they'd make me. I decided to stop taking the medication about 2 weeks ago and see if I could just deal with my problems without relying on drugs. I was wrong.

    So my best friend was visiting from Utah last week and he's a big stoner. I hadn't smoked in 8 months, but being a special occasion I gave in. I was impressed by how greatly it reduced my social anxiety (mainly of meeting new people), which is probably caused in part by my other condition - Asperger's.

    So a few days afterward I picked up some Super Silver Haze, which is the strain I smoked with my friend. I just love it! Anyways, I decided to put it to the test to see whether it would do anything for my focus too. It was like magic! I took a few hits and was able to clean my room, something I had been putting off for like 5 months. I wasn't nearly as productive when on any of those stimulant/amphetamine based medications. And interestingly, when I was doing laundry while stoned and then took my ADHD medication (thinking it would make me even more productive), I just ended up focused on the wrong thing - video games! So it seems the ADHD medications just make me lazier, but not so with marijuana. Things that were mundane beforehand aren't so after a few hits. I can finally follow through with simple tasks.

    And like a person above said, it also improves motivation and inspiration, which was a big problem for me. My main philosophy was, "what's the point?" Not anymore.

    But I'd definitely recommend a Sativa strain for ADHD. It's a more stimulating high. Super Silver Haze seems to be doing the trick for me. I just became a medical marijuana patient yesterday. And I'm finally ready to get on with my life! :D

    I just wonder how my parents will react when they find out that I can legally smoke it.:confused_2: I wish they'd realize that it can be more than a recreational drug, because for me it's been a miracle medicine!

    Well I hope my post was of some benefit. Good luck to you!
  11. definatley depends on the weed and how much you smoke..

    im on Vyvanse as well but i hate that it makes u lose weight and bad side effects. i take it only some days, but i always smoke and smoking definatley helps
  12. Adderall Helped me alot, Made me feel for once in my school time that i actually was doing good.
    Bud i just wanna chill so lol no work for me's.
  13. All that these "medications" really are is meth. And yeah, meth does help kids with add/adhd focus but as I've known a lot of patients prescribed these pills they say they feel antisocial and weight loss is very common. I do speed every now and then and I've lost 5 fucking pounds in one day while on this shit. I just forget to eat.
  14. They arent as strong as meth but they are still similar. I've taken adderall before and it just turns you into a zombie of sort. I wasn't thinking about anything except the task at hand. No side thoughts at all

  15. I've done the same thing, "hotboxing" a car on my way to class in college. It has helped TREMENDOUSLY in keeping focused and keeping my grades up. Needless to say, it goes over a lot better with professors if I'm not so noticeably burnt-out smelling.

    Thanks a lot as well for the list of resources, they are very much so coming in handy
  16. i have adhd and was never medicated growing up because i had a conservative family that believed i was just a hyper kid. i never did well in school other than math because of my adhd. i could never focus and was always off in left field. i smoked herb in 8th grade and it was a bit overwhelming. i came back to it half way through freshman year during a time i was doing real shitty in school. while i was chilling and toking i noticed myself to be more relaxed, on task and motivated. i started self medicating myself as soon as i realized this. life is just more enjoyable. im a more sociable and pleasant person. its amazing the things this plant can do. i love to hear stories like mine. these are the reasons that responsible adult marijuana use should be legalized

  17. +rep man.

    the herb makes dealing with the struggle so much easier
  18. i have adhd and i struggled through school my entire life
    im this big bag of energy and manage to do nothing but piss people off because i'm just too active.
    anybody with adhd do u fell that you are more of an outside person or more of an indoor person.
    for me i love to be outside and i very rarely am inside except for during the winter

    weeeeed :smoke:
  19. marijuana helps so much with my ADHD and friends of mine who have it. Those Rx meds prescribed by doctors are fucking horrible. I was on them for 2 yearss straight with no success, so one night i decided to say fuck it, for 4 month i was puking atleast once a day, i have massive night terrors and shit. dont fucking touch that shit, smoke a sativa dominant strain and it'll do wonders
    you dont give kids with ADD/ADHD amphetamine salts/speed thats just plain stupid. The people that own these companies are laughing their ass of with the bank their making, swimming around in their pools of money, honestly they probally dont give a shit about the people that take these. i get pissed off about this subject, sorry if that was a long ramble

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