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Actually tripping on bud?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by NugBuzzed420, Jan 23, 2010.

  1. Hypothetically, i tripped on weed..i think.. I've been using an Easy Vape, and i found a way to get really high by holding it in really long, for the past week i've been using mids and just picked up some amazingly dank bud. I held it in really long the same way i would with mids but after a lilttle bit of "tripping" (i get reallly stoned for about a minute, like i almost lose feeling) i just fell over and hit my head into my friend's leg and my "package" hit the ground hard to, i couldn't figure out why this happened
  2. You are probably holding your breath for too long, thus causing your brain to be deprived of oxygen, and you pass out.
  3. Yeah man, more people will post this same thing probably which will just make me look more credible but you shouldnt hold it in for more then 3-5 secs cause thats all it takes for your body to absorb the fun stuff in the smoke :)
  4. yeah i think i was holding it in too much, so im gonna continue just taking reg hits and not hold them in too long from now on, caus ei got a bump on my head -_-
  5. Well, your question is a complex one.

    First of all, let me address marijuana in general. As a minor psychedelic, green can make you trip by itself. However, to even approach the intensity of say acid or boomers, either a. the user must be in a near-virgin state b. the quantity must be large and or c. the user must have tripped recently (this will be discussed in the next paragraph). Above all though, drugs affect different people differently and this is doubly true for psychedelics.

    As mentioned before, the use of any of the major psychedelics (LSD, psyilocybin, DMT) may alter the nature of a user's high. The primary effects go away after about a week or even less, however I believe that one's high is subtly changed for even longer. Typically, users report that, "[they] [were] tripping again," even when the smoking sesh is hours, or even days after the trip. I for one appreciate this effect as it provides a temporary enhancement of my highs and adds a little spice to my mental jambalaya. However, caution should be used as sometimes the effects are stronger than expected.

    In summary, it is very possible to trip off marijuana. Whether you are or not, I cannot tell without a more detailed exp. of symptoms and effects. However, from your description, it does sound like you passed out. For your own sake, please do not hold your hits any longer than 10 secs (even that's pushing it: some think all the THC is absorbed in 3 sec). Our brains are some of the most amazing objects in the world (not to mention the sentimental value) so there is no reason to kill more brain cells than one needs. Happy Toking ;)
  6. ^^ Good post! +rep
  7. You didn't trip, you blacked out from oxygen deprivation.:laughing:
  8. i have had a few trips on bud but the most significant time was a few months ago when i was absolutely torched on some dank LA confidential...:D
  9. my homie said red lazer beams came out of his eyes when we were high lol
  10. i remember about a year ago i took a month break off the bud because of financial issues, but the night i took my first toke back from my break, i quiet literally saw raccoons running around my buddies property. I was yelling and screaming at these fucking coons, but my friends were just confused because they couldn't see anything :p :confused:

    good times
  11. I have personally never tripped off bud, quit holdin your hits in so long, it doesn't make a difference, really. You could black out, and actually HURT yourself due to lack of oxygen. Now who the hell wnts to be stoned and get hurt? NOT ME. buzzkilllllll haha
  12. This.
  13. You probably held that shit too long man
  14. I've experienced minor synesthesia from really potent weed before. If you're smoking mids though you probably just held the hit too long man.
  15. #15 Vicarious87, Jan 24, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 24, 2010
    LMFAO when I was a noob at getting high, I used to think I was tripping on some good mids or dank when I could get it, and what I would do was take a monster hit off a joint or pipe and stand up and look up until my vision got all blotted out and dark, then I would drift into strange trips or places, I used to tell my friends that I "teleported" from the den to the back room in one house i was at, I think i actually passed out and fell to my knees wich is when I literally felt myself and saw me "jump" or teleport to the back room and back. XD

    One time I "jumped" (like on that movie JUMPER) to some forest that was really lush and green, I felt the humid air and smelled the trees, and jumped back during one of these oxygen deprived trips.

    I also used to get these one trips where I would almost black out and feel like a full body orgasm and intense euphoria and blotchy psychadelic visuals, I would be coming back into reality feeling out of place and alien followed by a throbbing headache and tingly limbs. This is when i stopped doing these "trips" when the fun stopped happening and just the pain resulted lol.

    I used to really like to do this until my brain started hurting BADLY after repeated attempts, now I dont do that shit at all anymore XD

    P.S.- I've blacked out and crashed head-first into a stucko wall (ouch!), bumped my forehead on the wall collapsing in the hallway, collapsed face first onto a marble countertop, was in some bushes and lost ballance crashed backwards and got stuck with lots of branches and sharp twigs, blacked out sitting down and dropped the bowl of wih hot ashes/cherry into my lap (ouch!)
  16. Wow. You held your breath to long.

    Its not nessicary to hold in your hits longer then 3 secs after mouth off pipe.

    Anything after is pointless. You need to breath.

    Your lungs absorb all the THC availible as soon as the smoke enters the lungs.

    Most of the smoke exhaled is burnt plant matter smoke. and carbon.

    So Do your self a favor. STOP giving your self brain damage.

    marijuana does not have the Effects to give you a "trip" If you want to know what "tripping" is like..

    eat some mushrooms. or take a tab of acid.

    THATS tripping. Smoking weed is NOTHING close to tripping. NOTHING!
  17. Earlier today after work i rolled up my first tulip joint and smoked it all to my self. After 4 days not smoking i was absolutely ripped and had say kickass closed eye visuals. there was a giant purple spiral when i closed my eyes and it was like pulsing. then i opened my eves and it dissapearedd. But oh my am i still high:smoking:
  18. I was tripping on some silver haze the other day, it was my last spliff for 10 days so i thought i would roll a beasty spliff, i put abou 3 strong j's worth into 1, it was mental, I have never been so stotned in my life, was watching american dad and all the charecters were melting into eachover, twas mega trippy, I was still high when i woke up the next morning.

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