ACTUAL Public Safety Committee meeting 1/12/10

Discussion in 'Marijuana Legalization' started by Kevin08, Jan 13, 2010.

  1. If you notice, every anti- legalization member looks to be between 45-50. Once these baby boomers start dieing off, this nonsense will be over with and legalization WILL take place. Even my police chief, Paso Robles, made a 5 hour drive to go say one sentence, great use of taxpayers dollars once again.
  2. At least they passed it...
  3. Ya i actually just got to the part with Danny Gilmore. All the anti-legalize proponents are the biggest hypocrites. Not informing our youth about the health risks of marijuana is ridiculous, it's the third most used drug in the state, yet we continue to regurgitate the same "reefer madness" bullshit that is truly outdated and irrelevant. This bill brings light to the issue statewide and recognizes the fact that the majority of the population is still uninformed on the subject and if this does go to a vote in november, it's going to be fueled by corrupt politics instead of educated debate.
  4. I'm watching this right now. I just got done watching the second person against the legilazation, and all I can say is WOW. So many misinformed lies in their speaches. I don't really even want to watch it anymore. But I will.
  5. Ya i didn't hear a single new argument against it, proving this prohibition is truly outdated and reform is necessary. The arrogance behind the majority of americans astonishes me, you can't make the claims that crime can get any larger if it's legalized. Prohibition is what put us in this situation in the first place :(
  6. All you californians need to gather and strike until they agree to legalize it.

    Its a group effort you need hospitals and everyone.

    JK lol but i was pumped to see they passed it i just got home. Expect the worst and hope for the best do anything you can to help.
  7. I wish more Americans would realize that it isn't illegal because of public health or safety concerns.
  8. Ya this is probably one of the last racist laws in America, if people can't realize this they we are truly the dumbest nation in the world. Cali was the first to prohibit cannabis in 1913 to try and stop the large mexican immigration to the southwest, hence why they use marijuana and not cannabis in all the laws regarding the plant. If people can't realize this, then we are all doomed lol
  9. OMG, the chairman speaker [the one after the obviously Chinese guy (sorry I suck with names unless I read them)] basically said he would rather have his child ignorant of drugs then to have it legal and educate them!!
  10. I got to thinking today, why the fuck are cops at the legislative meeting in the first place?! Their jobs are to serve and protect, making sure we follow the laws set by our government. They aren't here to establish law, they enforce it. So all of the speeches made by the police officers during the committee meeting should be omitted, based on the fact that they are violating the most basic rules of our democracy, as set by our forefathers.
  11. Well you know it seems it had no effect on the progression, but it sucks that it won't be able to appear before the Health Committee by it's deadline. I would have loved to hear it.
  12. Ya i guess but i plan on trying to meet with my local pd officer, who went to the meeting and probably paid for the transportation with our tax dollars, instead of actually doing her job here in town. It just makes no sense, if her agenda involves going to every pot related meeting in the state, then they need to reassess their priorities.
  13. You mean like stopping that drunk dude from beating his wife?
  14. Actualy ya haha last year we had over so many cases of domestic abuse related to alcohol, one involving our high school's football coach who went home and shot his wife but she survived, and . If she can set aside time to go all the way to sacramento to say one sentence, then there's obviously not a problem here. Our town's biggest source of income is grapes/wine, yet our police believe we have a problem with pot when there is at least 2 car alcohol related deaths per year in our high school, great observation paso pd :rolleyes:
  15. So the assembly passed it but there is a deadline that if the Health Committee doesn't see it the bill is not passed and we have to wait till the next time they meet to vote?

    That sounds like fucking bullshit to me. I took a government class and I didn't even know that.
  16. #18 morefreedom, Jan 14, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 14, 2010
    If you were a corrupt cop who would you rather arrest:

    A dangerous violent criminal


    A passive non-violent stoner?

    I can definitely see why cops are for prohibition. This makes their jobs easier and makes arresting people and meeting their quotas and what not a lot simpler. Focusing on non-violent drug related crime keeps police officers out of harms way and rolling in arrests.

    It pisses me off like no other when they manage to convince the public that marijuana is going to cause violence and social upset or whatever bullshit they say now. Gullible idiots believe their bullshit and we get the most ridiculous law ever. Which is of course the prohibition of marijuana.

    Police and government should not the ONLY groups supporting a law. That's when you know that something is seriusly messed up. Police and government are meant to enforce laws that we the people want. We the people do not want cannabis prohibition. We the people want cannabis to be legal.

    If people only knew the facts about it then it wouldn't be illegal. People love ignorance though. Why need to know the facts when big brother will watch over you?
  17. Ya there is a legislative deadline of Jan 15 for all bills introduced in 2009, and since they had to amend the bill, they couldn't have a hearing about it earlier than this week so now they are pretty much screwed. Oh and it was only the pubic safety committee that voted on it, so it still has a way to go and they just want to wait i'm guessing since it's such a big deal.
  18. Ya around here we have had a lot of questionable arrests and tickets by cops/chp to meet quotas, but when asked they always say there are no quotas,hmmm :laughing: sounds like bs to me. There is actually a lot of local growers here yet i haven't heard of a raid in like 2 years, so where does the problem lie dammit? The goddamn kids?! If they want to do something, let them, it's not like they won't find a way. And this county is full of baby boomers and their parents, it's a lot of old money and even older political views, most people are still stuck in the damn reefer madness times.

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