Activist speaks out against Condoleeza Rice while Rice was speaking at Stanford. What really bothers me is that no one wants to hear what the activist has to say. Do any of us believe we were warranted when we invaded Iraq? I don't. It's all a lie YouTube - Activists Confront Condoleeza Rice at Stanford University
You do? Care to explain why you think so. My opinion, it was out of left field and uncalled for. Where were the WMDs? What were the other reasons they gave specifically? I know they basically said Sadam & Iraq were a threat to the USA, but how? I gotta get my google on I guess. I can tell you this, I was stationed in Italy at the time, USN, and we were looking for 9-11 terrorists and then Bam! Iraq or bust baby!! The watch floor was like 'huh'? But what about Osama & his cronies?!