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Activated Cannabis oil and baking

Discussion in 'Weed Edibles' started by Joker1121, Dec 27, 2023.

  1. I bought two one gram Dablicators on sale yesterday. They are 80% THC and already activated. I want to make 36 Snickerdoodles with one gram. I'm wondering if I'm better off adding the oil to the recipe oil, or dropping the oil on top of the baked cookies. Would appreciate any feedback. IMG_3812.JPG
  2. drop it on top after baking there is not enough to add to a recipe
    • Agree Agree x 1
  3. Do a proper infuse to get the most punch from it.
    Dispense into the cat's stainless steel food dish.
    1 gram active concentrate
    5ml Coconut oil (fastest)
    2ml liquid lecithin
    Heat 220 F for 10 minutes (104 C)
    Blend this with any butter if they call for it or just try and evenly divide this as you drizzle.
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  4. Thin with additional plain oil if desired for ease of serving measuring..
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    • Agree Agree x 1
  5. Recommend proper infusion with the fat you are using
    Cannot emphasize the difference in the uptake and potency having a more balanced onset
    When dosing by drops with concentrates you can end up with a more uneven distribution
    Meh cookies to hope you had nothing planned this weekend

    About 10mg-20mg a cookie factoring in loss
    That's pretty good
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  6. Done! Will bake this weekend.
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