Actinovate and aloe vera juice?

Discussion in 'Growing Organic Marijuana' started by mossback1953, Jul 26, 2012.

  1. I was going to foliar spray plants before dark tonight. I was thinking about using a 1/4 cup per gallon of aloe vera juice. Will this harm the Actinovate (streptomyces lydicus WYEC 108) live colony? Thanks eveyone, Moss
  2. #2 Chunk, Jul 26, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 26, 2012

    Aloe Vera has some anti bacterial properties. It has been shown to kill streptococcus in vitro in lab tests. That doesn't mean it kills streptomycetes however. I have used aloe vera with Spinosad and felt that it increased the efficacy of it.

    It also has carbohydrates which feed bacteria. That's why I feel like it helped with the Spinosad. Without direct microscopy, it's hard to really say for sure so it's really up to you.

  3. Thank you Chuck! Can you brew this up in a tea and replicate the beneficial bacteria? Moss
  4. Most of these single strain bacteria products are produced in bio-reactors under laboratory conditions. Since we're surrounded by microorganisms floating in the air in our day to day lives, I don't think we could perpetuate a single bacteria in a bucket in our basement/garage/shop without it becoming cross contaminated.

    Introduction of any different species of bacteria or even a fungi/yeast species could change the whole dynamic of the single beneficial species.

    Believe me when I say that I have of thought of trying to culture Spinosad on more than a couple of occasions.

  5. If you have an ACT highly populated with diverse bacteria, chances are it will include more than one species of Actinobacteria (streptomyces) and many other of the popular soil bacteria which have been isolated, cultured and packaged. If you wish to increase a particular species one can introduce it near the beginning of the 'brew' and hope for the best.

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