Acrylic bongs?

Discussion in 'Bongs, Dab Rigs, Bubblers, Water Pipes' started by Lord Cohliani, Oct 7, 2010.

  1. 'til now I've been toking from a homemade bong (water bottle) and I want to upgrade without spending a bunch of money on an expensive glass bong (I'll get one eventually though).

    Are the $10 acrylic bongs sold in the GC store any good?
  2. Having never used one, keep in mind you get what you pay for. It wont be a mega smooth monster ripper, but it would probably serve its purpose well. Especially if you spent some extra money on a Glass on glass set up (if theyd fit the $10 ones, im not even sure what they look like).
  3. I dont know , ive never bought from gc. But if i was you i would just get a small glass or acrylic pipe. its cheap and will hit well untill you get the money for a glass bong. I have a color changing pipe named nordic.

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