It also tells you what to do in different situations to protect your rights. [ame=]The ACLU-NJ Police Tape App - YouTube[/ame]
There's a long list of reasons your case could get thrown out if a cop doesn't follow proper procedure. and it wouldn't take an expensive lawyer to figure it out either. Plus if you are illegally arrested or charged it wouldn't hurt to have video evidence. I'm sure there are people stopped and arrested every day who wish they had everything on tape because things "felt wrong". video evidence >>>>> policeman's story >>>>>> suspects story
This is a good idea, but my tinfoil alert went off. I don't like the idea of the app running in the background and automatically sending data to the ACLU. How do you know it's not doing it all the time? This could be TrapWire for all we know.
If you're worried about something on your smart phone being used against you just chuck that fucker in the ocean right now...There's so much personal data sketchy companies can get from every app. But how many of those apps can help save your ass from an unlawful arrest or document police brutality? Not many. Can you imagine if the police arrested someone wrongfully and the ACLU were caught using the video to hurt their case. The ACLU would lose decades worth of credibility in a single day. So yeah I don't the the ACLU would risk that when they could use thousands of other apps to covertly help the police.
My smartphone is sitting in a drawer with the sim card and battery out. The only thing on there is music. I like that it can record in the background, but I don't like that it's automatically sent to a server that I don't have access to or control over. I'd rather it be sent to a server I set up. Not some random office in NJ. I'm not worried about info being used against me, more of an invasion of privacy issue. The ACLU has fucked up on more than one occasion. And I just glanced at the splash page, but do you see the app advertised here: American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) I don't.
1) It's from ACLU-NJ not the national ACLU 2) How and when did the ACLU fuck up? 3) While it sounds nice to get the video uploaded on your own server most people don't know much about servers and would end up with the video uploaded on their own computer which could easily get confiscated. With an ACLU server you don't have to worry about it unless you think the organization lacks credibility. I happen to think they have the best credibility of any major civil liberties organization.
But what kind of security does the ACLU have? What if there's some Julian Assange/Alex Jones character that uncovers some super deep, top secret corruption and it's automatically sent to the ACLU, where it's later confiscated by the gov't to never see the light of day? Remember, the gov't kills presidents. I'd rather it be uploaded to a Ustream-type service where it is instantly watchable by everyone. Not sent to a bunch of lawyers to analyze. What if you say something the ACLU doesn't like? And you just sent them everything. I dunno. I could be over thinking it, but whenever something like this is introduced to the public, you have to recognize the potential for abuse. Don't see it here either:
What could the ACLU do with all those police abuse videos to hurt the citizens who send them in? They can't hurt anyone but the police.
[quote name='"Messiah Decoy"'] What could the ACLU do with all those police abuse videos to hurt the citizens who send them in? They can't hurt anyone but the police.[/quote] Are u even listening to what he said man?? What If something is said that the ACLU doesnt like, boom they delete the video and it's like it never happened. Once the video is sent u have no control and if they get bribed by govt or something they could just throw out the video for no one to see, boom your done
Why would the ACLU create an app that records police abuse only to delete those same police abuse videos (which the ACLU encouraged) with hopes that also the police erase these videos (which the ACLU encouraged) on the suspect's phone, while also running the incredible risk of exposing their entire organization as a fraud thus losing decades of hard fought credibility??? Look I'm a schizophrenic who is used to all kinds of tin-foil hat theories but you guys are going through some serious mental gymnastics to discredit the ACLU and this basic app.
I'm not trying to discredit the ACLU. You're missing the point. The point is, you are AUTOMATICALLY sending audio/video of YOURSELF, which may include name, DOB, address, etc.(you're talking to a cop) to an organization that you are not affiliated with. The ACLU is ran by people, not robots. And like I said, how do you know it will only record what you want it to record? There's this thing called "permissions". If you give an app PERMISSION, to access ALL your recorded footage, and INTERNET ACCESS, then it could EASILY be hacked. If TrapWire is real (likely is), then all you do is make yourself a target. They don't need to tap your phone, you just sent your info over the internet. Are twitter and facebook being used the way they were intended at launch? Or has it become an info miner's paradise? Forget what organization it is, and forget it's intentions. Realize what it is. It is an app that phantom records audio and video from your phone and sends it somewhere that you don't have access to. I'm sure the TSA was a terrific idea when it started. Like I said, it's a good idea, but very poorly executed.
Anyone who's worried about private information shouldn't use smart phone apps. But if you use smart phone apps openly then the ACLU app should be no different. and if you want the legal weight of the ACLU behind you, you can't expect to deal with them completely anonymously. Just like any legal ally you might have you should be willing to give them some personal information but nothing much more than you give the typical app company which access your full contact list and other personal phone data. I'd trust the ACLU over any of those sketchy app companies who aren't worried about being credible AT ALL. Once again, going public is well worth it if it means I'll get a major charge dismissed or get a cop held accountable for abuse. If you think the ACLU is shady then DON'T use the apps and just hand your phone over to the cops with the video data ONLY ON YOUR PHONE. See if they keep anything that could help you on the phone. The TRUTH is most cops probably HATE this app and hope no one uses it. It's their worst nightmare.
Again, this has NOTHING to do with the ACLU. It's the fact that you're sending un-encrypted video and audio over the internet. And you don't even really know where it's going. At least with ustream you get a URL and the ability to delete. And if I need to tell my "legal ally" my information, I'll talk directly to him. Long gun registration does not exist in most states of the US. However, if you purchase a long gun from an FFL, the serial number of the firearm is documented for the background check. Supposedly, the ATF does not keep copies of these files. But FFLs are required to keep the paper copy on file, where individual files can later be requested in crime investigation. Just recently in Alaska, the ATF went from shop to shop requesting said records, even though it is illegal. The same thing can happy with the ACLU. Except with audio and video files, they can easily copy and steal without the ACLU knowing. It's called pirating. And I'm not saying people shouldn't get this app, either. But the potential for abuse MUST be acknowledged.
You people are fucking paranoid. The ACLU is a great organization that does great work, they are not trying to fuck you over.
Okay the ATF getting access to gun records =/= the government or hackers getting access to submitted police abuse videos This shadow government and anonymous hackers can take my police abuse submission, it doesn't matter. If I've been arrested by a dirty cop I'd rather myself, the ACLU, and your shadow government spooks and anonymous hackers all have my police abuse video submission on record. THE MORE THE MERRIER. It's far better than the cops simply deleting that data off my phone after I'm unlawfully arrested.
People send videos through insecure channels ALL THE TIME. Sexual stuff, credit card data, private business info, etc. Of all those things I'd want to be identified by it would be a police abuse video submission.