Acid is not working

Discussion in 'General' started by e_eggs, Nov 3, 2006.

  1. I took two hits of acid, and it has been about 2 hrs. Nothing happened. Well I did feel a little something when i smoked a little but other than that nothing. Will it kick in yet? Or did i just get screwed?
  2. lol we had a buddy back in HS we used to call baby eegs, but shit...its not acid if you aint feeling'll know when that 'cid be creepin cause everything gets a bit lets just say "different"
  3. Eggs, you get the acid from Rich?
  4. sounds like you got some bad acid. that stuff was going around here a few weeks ago, my friend bought a whole vial... AND NOBODY TRIPPED! what a let down, at least we're going to have fun talking to the guy he bought it from.
  5. a friend of mine has had some really wierd experiences with acid that took hours and hours to kick in, so just be prepared for it to come later.
    One time he dropped the tab at like, 10 am, and then it wasnt till 4pm he suddenly peaked and tripped really hard, felt super tired and ended up passing out on my friends stoop. Im not sure if this is because what he took wasnt actually acid, its possible, but considering youre never sure what youre getting with tabs, its possible yours is going to kick in later.
  6. My first time on acid was...interesting. I started off by taking a tab and waiting 2 hours. Nothing happened so I thought I might as well take another since they were "weak" or "didnt work"....bad idea. About 30 mintues after taking my 2nd tab I started tripping ballllls. Like insanely trippin. The trip lasted 24 hours. It was one crazy ass ride
  7. I fuckin love cid...sounds like u got ripped man..that sucks
  8. you better be fucking tripping by now .. or else i am ganna get pissed

    trippin yet

    trippin yet

    trippin yet ....????


    dont ask im jus a high idiot

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