Accused of being a kidnapper

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by areece14, Jan 30, 2011.

  1. went to bed at about 2:30 am last night super super stoned. i mean, ridiculously baked. I woke up this morning to 3 missed calls and a voicemail from this guy who thinks i kidnapped his daughter and that he was going to call the cops on me if i didnt pick up. wonder where the cops went to lol. he also sent me a text that said if i didnt bring his daughter home in 30 minutes he would call the cops. this was all at 3 am last night when i was dead asleep.

    weird thing to wake up to.
  2. Lmao..they are on to you. Hopefully you can return her with her hymen intact?
    hahahahaha that was dark.
  3. Flee the country.
  4. #5 E n i g m a, Jan 30, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 30, 2011
    Then you can lay with your captive pre-pubescent lover all you want.
  5. Oh lawd Enigma.

    Lol, call the guy back and tell him his daughter is in a cave, and if he wants her to live, he will buy you an iHop dinner.

    After that, when you meet him, walk up, give him cool face and ask him the problem.

    Then show him pictures of his daughters mangled corpse.
  6. did you return the daughter?

  7. I'm laughing my ass off at my computer right now! hahahaha
    Thanks! :)

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