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Accidently dug up my seed.

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by Crimsonjude, Nov 23, 2014.

  1. #1 Crimsonjude, Nov 23, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 23, 2014
    I planted my germed seed a little to deep, so I decided to clear just a bit of soil of the top. When I did to I exposed the seed and the tap root just a bit. Neither were actually touched. I put the soil back over it. Do you think it will be ok or is it ruined?

  2. Its fine.
  3. Its ok. It started sprouting.
  4. Yeah, I made the mistake and getting too impatient with my first round of seedlings and broke a taproot in the process. You will learn to be patient and wait for it to pop out on their own.
  5. It's gonna die
  6. Man, you're a dick. lol
  7. Like I said that 1 has already sprouted. Like out of the dirt and such.
  8. I was kidding :p
    Just make sure ya don't love it to death and it will be fine ^.^
  9. I know buddy! thats why the Lol at the end. 

    I second that loving to death thing too. If you transplant, dont freak out if she starts to droop, I almost freaked the fuck  out then i remembered its cuz i put her in her final pot. her sister didnt stress at all from it though

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