Accidental pollination

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by Chasefacegrowsbass, Sep 14, 2023.

  1. So is the thread says, I had a female plant that was accidentally crossed. I had 4 females in the same room. Two hermied on me. I didn't notice,and they pollinated. I got rid of the hermes. But the female was Far enough in the flower that I don't just want to throw away everything. I know they won't put much more energy into the flowers, So my question is when should I harvest? This is what they look like now. 20230911_095632.jpg 20230910_100957.jpg 20230910_100903.jpg 20230910_100957.jpg 20230911_095632.jpg
  2. I'd let her go full term. Even if she is seeded the bud will be fine if a tad on the oily tasting side. It'll still make kick ass edibles in any event.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  3. From my understanding, The buds won't grow much more after pollination. Is this correct? If not, how much longer do you think? I know the rule of thumb is milky trichomes. But as soon as I began to see the trichomes, they appeared to be cloudy already.
  4. I believe she's about 3 1/2- 4 weeks into flower. (Started outdoors so not exactly sure)
  5. you do relize the off spring is Hermy too?

    its a hard choice but will you will note re starting, is an obvious option
    as is cleaning out the grow area, wiping the walls, of any loose pollen so not to screw the next grow

    good luck
  6. #6 Chasefacegrowsbass, Sep 14, 2023
    Last edited: Sep 14, 2023

    I do realize the offspring is hermy. At least I believe so. I've read some mixed reports. Most everything I've read indicates The offspring will carry on the Hermes genetics. But some more recent studies I was reading, At least I believe what I read, Was a high percentage of feminized Seeds we're produced from hermes. But I believe that was when a male cross pollinated a Female dominant Hermie. At any rate, I don't Plan on using any of the seeds. I simply want to finish The grow and use the t h c. Be it in flowers, edibles or extracts
    • Informative Informative x 1
  7. I'd finish her out, my first grow i had a peanut butter breath herm on me, I won't lie, it was one of my best grows yet(smoke wise)..and yes like Brass said, she felt more oily feeling than the sticky we all know..
    and as far as I can tell from what info I've picked up along the way, herm seeds are 50/ any ol reg seed. I cant say 100% cause i tossed the seeds mine produced but I've had ppl tell me that they've grown out their own mishaps and some were perfectly healthy females and others were herm or straight up males..its ur chance to take..but like I said I haven't tried this myself so take from that what u

  8. She's not turning herm. She's seeding

  9. Will the buds continue swelling? I guess that's what i'm asking. And if you had to make an educated guess, how much longer do you think she has left
  10. I have grown some unwanted hermies myself and I'd say if you don't have any more plants, ride her out. And yes the buds will get bigger with patience. Of course nothing like a full on female, but bigger.......and you've got at least a month, perhaps even 2 with the way he/she looks now. Patience, my friend. Best of luck.
  11. Thank you. I believe her to be 3-4 weeks into flower. So four weeks sounds about right. I just didn't know if it was sooner due to the pollination. Again,a lot of mixed information on the topic. Honestly,a lot of what I had read. Says to harvest immediately. So i'm glad to find out these flowers will still grow and mature
    • Like Like x 1
  12. Should I be trying to rid the space of pollen right now? Would that prevent any further pollination, or is the damage just done?
  13. Honestly, the few that I've had I learned that it's best not to fuck with them. Just let it ride.
    • Like Like x 1
  14. Well, if u want u can pick any seeds or nanners or pollen sacs as u see them forming..I did..mine still swelled and grew nice tight nugs..I wouldn't bother cleaning nothing up right yet since the damage is already done..u say ur about 3-4 weeks in, so I'd say she be done in 4-6 weeks..I know most say 8 week flower time but not one of my plants been finished in 8, always 10 or more..but thats for u to decide honestly..only reason ur pistils are dark like they would be when done is because of the positive ull get another burst of white pistils soon..but yea id ride her out..but make sure after harvest u clean EVERY nook and cranny of ur grow space..dont leave anything untouched! I dunno how old u are but man back in the 90s most of our crap back then had seeds in it..light up and it'd crackle and pop..nothing wrong with it, it'll still serve its intended purpose..

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