Absolutly ridiculous..

Discussion in 'The Artist's Corner' started by Cannibasity, Jan 27, 2011.

  1. you wouldn't pay me to stand in the center... even though it would be a epic picture.. my stoner mind would allow it..

  2. Absolutely amazing...
  3. wow thats amazing! i bet people often walk around it lol
  4. I would eat a wide variety of molecules and then walk on that and smoke bud

  5. I would... not hahahaha
  6. Nice post OP.

    There are a few real good Chalk artists out there. Google Chalk art for more. :smoke:
  7. bet it looks weird as fuck from any other direction
  8. I can't wrap my mind around it
  9. ya that blew my mind and i am not even high
  10. I love art like this. someone really capable of thinking outside the box. It's amazing.
  11. yea chalk arts are friggn mind blowing.
    Heres a site with some really amazing pieces.
    Chalk Art Drawings

    Heres one of my favorites,
  12. that must have taken FOREVER to draw and color in!!!

    but jesus fuck thats the coolest thing i've seen in a while! thanks for postin that OP
  13. WOW :eek:!! thats some trippy shit... it looks better then REAL

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