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Absolutely new to growing

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by Sir Stoner, Dec 24, 2012.

  1. So i dont know ANYTHING about growing except it smells hella, so im getting seeds, what do i need to do?
  2. read a few books
  3. #3 ruffstylez, Dec 25, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 25, 2012
    Before you get seeds you need to have some sort of plan..

    Are you growing in soil, hydro? If soil what kind?

    How is the PH of you're water?

    What kind of lights are you using (indoor/outdoor?) Is it HID, CFL?

    How are you feeding you're plants? Nutes, organic?

    How is the space? Vented pretty good, can you run fans and get nice air flow if inside?

    How many plants do you plan on doing? Is it all from seed, or are you getting any estiblished plants (clones)?

    How much money do you plan to spend to get it setup (if you haven't already done so)

    What is you're goals? Personal? To grow for other people?

    What is you're time frame to get something going? Autos could be an option for quicker smaller amounts
  4. Ooooooh get um ruff lol you think because you think you can box you can get in the ring with Ali

    Don't trip bro we'll help you those were all very important things you should have the answers to if you are getting seeds

    Sent from iPhone 5

  5. Step 1: read some grow journals from people who know what they're doing.

    Step 2: research their techniques and read more about them, so you understand why instead of just doing.

    Step 3: apply what you've learned to your grow.

    You'll get plenty of help here if people see you putting in the effort... doing your homework and coming up with a plan, asking specific questions and such.
  6. hello mate ill tell u how to bugget on your first grow like i have..... TRUST
    ok go to they do a tent kit for £177 in that u get
    1.2x1.2x2 tent
    600w hps
    light sheild
    4" ducting 5metres long
    extract fan
    light hangers
    carbon filter
    all u need is a seeds and soil, i have spent £350 and have everything. u dont need to spend the world all u need to do is get the temp and humidity right and have a good light then they will grow, i grow low ryders but grow reg seeds in the summer outside in england.
    i hope u have a good grow and u find the right grow methord for u

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