Absoloute 1237812983718% noob.

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by ziggy513, Oct 6, 2010.

  1. I want to try growing 1 plant for my first time. I will be reading up on everything.
    I was thinking about doing it in my closet. It's normal size, there's def enough room.
    Could I use a regular ol' nightstand lamp and stick it right next to the plant?
    Can I use regular potting soil?
    I know I need some sort of ventilation air flow, can I use a regular fan like the ones we use to cool down when it's hot?
    How many bulbs do I need for 1 plant?
    How much higher will the electricity bill go up?
    And any other info on closet growing would be helpful :D
  2. All of your questions are pre-answered, which you will find when you do that reading you are talking about. Better to learn the basics by reading up then asking specific questions later. Here's a boost:

    For lighting you need either CFL or HID. While HID is much better, it costs more and generates more heat. CFLs are the twisty bulbs that are being sold as replacements to regular household incandescent bulbs (which you cannot use for growing).

    CFLs are marketed with something called "equivalent" watts, for example a bulb that is 23 watts but "puts out the equivalent" of 100 watts. Completely ignore this, it does not apply for growing. Go by actual watts (so in the above example, it's 23 not 100 watts). You should provide a bare minimum of 100 actual watts per plant with CFLs, so 4 bulbs that are 23 actual watts would do. More would be better.

    A fan in a closed-up closet is not ventilation. You need to be able to move fresh air in and exhaust air out of that closet. You can use any type of fan, but you need to get the air pathways right.

    Regular potting soil is OK, but avoid anything that says it has fertilizer added in it, anything that says "feeds for X months" or anything like that. Best to get 100% organic soil. You want to add your own fertilizers.

    To figure the electrical cost, add up all the actual watts you are using and multiply by the number of hours per day you are using them, then multiply that by 30 (average days per months), then divide that by 1000 to get the number of kilowatt hours per month your grow op will consume. Then look at your electric bill, it either will say what your kilowatt hour rate is or you can figure it out crudely by dividing your total bill by the total number of kilowatt hours consumed on that bill, it will be close enough.

    Lots of other things to think about, especially odor control. Read up, come back with more questions.
  3. ^^^this guy has strong karma^^^ :smoke:

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