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Above the influence.

Discussion in 'General' started by indica_420, Jun 1, 2009.

  1. I'm on right now.

    I want to punch everyone who had a part in the website unconscious.
  2. Their commercials piss me off.
    Totally untrue.

    But it's whatever. I dun really care.

    Wait. I just went to their website.
    What the hell?!?
    "Stoners in the Mist, take this quizz to find out if your friend has a problem?"

    Huh. What one sidedness.
  3. those commercials pis me off. like the one about ditching your friends and letting people draw on them. It sounds closer to alcohol if anyhting, though i wouldnt ditch my friends when im drunk or sober and the drawing thing i'd have to be passed out from the alcohol. lol. but seriously there is no truth to the commercials, and they are trying to give ppl that smoke a guilt trip and make them feel bad about doing something that isnt really that bad for you.and, to scare the people who dont smoke into hating it and being afraid of it because of all these b.s. commercials and their ignorance. Fuck you above the influence. that is all.
  4. whenever i see there commercials i get pissed and laugh at the same time. its just funny knowing some people actually believe that stuff.
  5. The new one is just flat out... ridiculous.

    It's a kid at a party, he's walking into "the wrong room" and finds kids smoking pot, and they offer him a hit like all friendly stoners would, and he starts seeing the angel on one shoulder and devil on the other, an astronaut on one and trailer trash on the other... then they have the balls to say make your own decisions, i was dumbfounded when i saw that.
  6. oh god, if you want a good laugh go the NOW

    on the home page they have a link with a picture of marijuana next to it that reads...


    - Panic Attacks
    - Risk of heart attack
    - Depression
    - Schizophrenia

    when you mouse over the other drugs listed it gives a list of so called "Facts" for each of them, notice hallucinations is listed as one for inhalents... thats just asking for kids to try it out after reading it on their site to see what hallucinating is like.

    "Marijuana is addictive with more teens in treatment with a primary diagnosis of marijuana dependence than for all other illicit drugs combined" when your offered rehab or jail time for your non-violent crime which will you choose? no one is in there with a marijuana dependency

    "There are excuses for people to do drugs, there are reasons not to"

    I seriously need to know who's ass to kick.
  7. [ame=]YouTube - Family Guy 420 Episode - Above the influence clip[/ame]

    My favorite Above commercial.
  8. Haha yeah that doesn't make sense. Smoking weed turns me into an astronaut.
  9. If you read more on their site they say that marijuana is not a medicine lulz.
  10. i saw that one the other day. it would be badass if a pro-weed group made one countering that. it could have mmj patients, michael phelps, and a ton of successful smokers on one shoulder, and then above the influence writers or something on the other. haha
  11. #12 The Sticky Icky, Jun 1, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 1, 2009
    Hell yeah, if they did they should get obama involved for being on the angels shoulder supporting weed. "Hey kids, smoke up you could become leader of our country, make sure you inhale, that's the whole point"

    Their part of the site trying to denounce Medical MJ is complete and utter bullshit, I'm not going to list all the medical facts just one important to me - "Medical MJ is a known bronchial dilator" - MMJ works just slightly slower then my prescribed rescue inhaler for my asthma but I haven't tried vaping during an attack yet which Im sure it would act even faster but it does relieve my symptoms just as much, and this way I don't have to use a steroid.
    Joe Ninowiski. I go to the same school as him. O lawd.
  13. Not above the influence,
    or below the influence,
    but BE the influence.
  14. Stoners in the mist. Yeah I seen that shit.

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