about to start my first grow

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by manty420, Jan 27, 2010.

  1. Hello everyone! I'm about to start my first grow after picking up and reading (cover to cover) Grow Great Marijuana by Logan Edwards (amazing book, recommend!).
    I've secured a place in my house, and have most of my system set up. Keep in mind I am only growing ONE plant at a time, this is because i'm only growing for me and my wife and I do not plan on ever selling. Because of this I'm not to worried if i get a male plant. anyways, this is what i've got:

    125w CFL light at 30000k for veg another at 25000 for flower
    A pot that is 12" wide and 12" tall (is this big enough?)
    Pot is filled with scotts premium potting soil
    Area has plenty of ventilation

    Is there anything about this that seams out of place? HOw far away should my light be from the plant?

    Should I mix anything with my soil? or is straight from the bag ok?

    Edwards' book is great but it only covers Hydro, so soil is still unknown to me.

    Thanks guys
  2. general rule of thumbs is 100 actual watts per plant
    (4-26w cfl bulbs = 105 actual watts)
    you want the 6500k color spectrum for vegging
    and the 2700k color spectrum for flowering

    i would use an organic soil mixed 50/50 with perlite as your medium if you are concerned about cash. if not and you can locate, a foxfarm soil is good to start with. alot of the "general" poting soil has time release nutes that with fry your girls.
    ive had alot of luck starting out in a 1liter soda/pop bottle with the top cut off,
    then move to a 2 gallon and so on. generally its 1 gal pot for ever foot tall the plant is.

    good luck on your grow! hope this helped.

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