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About to get my half O of Purpdaddy :) , what are you guys smoking?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Zweeezy, Feb 4, 2011.

  1. Ill put a pic once I get it!
  2. I just picked up a half O of crappy schwag, but I've been out all week and it was only $60 and all I can get right now, so I'll smoke some after work and report back. I sure wish I still lived in Cali.

    Edit: I just noticed that was your first post. Welcome to the Forum
  3. Mids, tastes like shit but gets the job done.
  4. I currently have trainwreck:)smoking:) and snow cap
  5. Thank you for welcoming me!
    This will be my second half 0 of this stuff , its so fucking dense and delicious!
    But about two weeks ago I had a half O of NYC Sour Diesel :p
  6. God I wish I had access to stuff like that. I usually can get very good mids but thats about it. This stuff I have now we'll see if it does the trick

  7. Its not purpdaddy lol , purple kush!
  8. Some no name kill.

  9. Idk know what that means..
  10. I'm sitting on a quarter of some banana kush my boy grew and then a few nugs of some purple piff...

  11. Lets see some pictures!
  12. currently smoking? nothing tonight. Gonna eat a couple firecrackers with some no name dank !

  13. you wasted dank on a firecracker ):

  14. absolutely not.

    firecrackers provide me personally with the best highs.

    It's not a waste to me. Dank makes them way more potent. same concept as smoking it..
    Sure I use twice as much, but the high lasts three times as long...
  15. Last week I picked up an eighth of grandaddypurp. This week i had some Master Kush. Both were some good shit.
  16. Im toking on some platinum kush. Very dense and piny smell. Bright red hairs and very visible trichomes.
  17. Waiting for my mom to go to bed so I can smoke some Jupiter og and blackberry bubble hash.
  18. Haha I feel you mines well asleep just dont have any papers , bowls , bongs. Only blunts. And im not trying to dome a blunt for a good night high I just want a one hitter quitter help!:eek:
  19. I've got about 3 grams of some Purp, really hazy high with a strong, fruity flavor. I also got a gram of some unknown dank from CO with a really diesel-tinted taste. Strongest flavor I've experienced in a while, not as full of a high, but still good. No complaints :smoke:
  20. make an apple

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