About to get laid

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by JFWolf18, Jan 16, 2010.

  1. Im getting laid. Awesome. Be Back Later. :wave:
  2. First time?:rolleyes:

  3. :laughing::laughing::laughing::laughing::laughing:

    sorry im drunk nd that post was fucking jokes
  4. Oh do tell us how it was:rolleyes:

    Why post this?
  5. How much did you pay?
  6. Do I start a thread every time I jack off? No....but now you're going to have to deal with all of my pm's about it.
  7. Awesome just awesome
  8. I'm about to wake my girlfriend up and make love with her. Normally she wouldn't like me just waking her up but today is my birthday so she'll be ok!

    He meant he was going to go get laid right now. As in going over to the location and starting it up.

    He wasn't in the middle of it.
  10. Who said he was in the middle of it? Re-read everyone's posts
  11. Nah, I'll take your word for it. I'm to stoned to do that.

  12. Good, that's a good thing:smoke:
  13. lol lazy stoners :D
  14. Who smokes weed?
  15. knock the bottom out of that biaaaatchh...ride her hard send her home wet lol:smoke:
  16. this is gonna be the best minute of your life
  17. Since it has not yet been done, and is almost a mandatory for this type of post, I will apply the typical, douchey "cool story bro..." comment

    Cool Story Bro...
  18. Thanks for representing the douche population in this thread. I almost thought I'd read through the whole thing without seeing one of you. :wave:
  19. if the chick is anything like the one that is ur pic HAVE FUN!!

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