I was wonderring if anyone knew if spring water contained the nutrients calcium or magnesium and if seedlings even need these nutrients in the first 2 or 3 weeks??
if your plants need cal/mag you'll start seeing brown spots and brown edges on the leaves. dont add anything till the plants ask. usualy about 10-14 days after they sprout. dont over water, dont under water. and make sure your soil is GREAT soil and you wont have any issue. but really you dont need anything for the first 2 weeks. check out the plant abuse chart in my signature
thanks rx7chick thats a good problem thread in your sig.but what kinda water is best for the first few weeks of growth..distilled or spring by the gallon>?? or doesnt it matter that much.
As long as there is no chlorine in it, just about any water is fine. Some will say you have to have RO or spring or distilled, but I've never found that to be true.