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About an eighth!

Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by NNK, Oct 9, 2010.

  1. Can someone hazard a guess as to what these two strains are? Stuff on the right is supposed to be some sort of kush, it has alot of hairs, very dense nugs, and tons of trichomes. Also smells very strongly.
    Stuff on the left, I found in a dime bag on the sidewalk xD
    It has a few tiny hairs, is much lighter in colour, and has less trichomes. Doesn't smell as strongly, my guess is some mids or beasters.

    Story behind the acquisition here (with more pics):

    Attached Files:

  2. You can't tell what the strain is from picture, you would need to know the grower. But by looks you're right, the one on the right looks like it would be an indica because it has a lot of orange hairs and it's kinda dark, the one on the left if they're mids then it's probably a hybrid or sativa. Most mids I get are sativas.

  3. I'm not sure if the left is mids, I found it and I haven't smoked it yet haha.
    About to light up a bowl, I'll let you know how good it is :D
  4. You lucky bastard finding that!
  5. Stuff on the right looks similar to the kush I get. You near Toronto?

  6. Waterloo :D
    Haha, yeah it's some pretty good shit too. The stuff on the left is most definitely a sativa strain now that I've sparked a bowl of it. Kinda wish it was indica/hybrid though :\

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