I am using the GH 3 part on my first grow when I am done with my first I want to try the AN Sensi Ph perfect line,I see they have Sensi grow parts A and B and Sensi bloom parts A and B, would it be wise to use as it says, Senci grow for veg and sensi bloom for flower,or does it matter???? they also have Sensical MG mix would it be a good idea to add some of that to my mix as well???
Veg is sensI a and b flower is sensI bloom 2 part Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I747 using Grasscity Forum mobile app
GH 3 part is like one of the most solid nutrient plans you can use. It's inexpensive, complete, and very effective. For that reason, it's really difficult to recommend you to go to a base nutrient system that requires you to purchase extra bottles from the same manufacturer.