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Abdominal Adhesion Treatment with Cannabis Oil

Discussion in 'Medical Marijuana Usage and Applications' started by BrassNwood, Oct 4, 2017.

  1. That sucks BNW, time to double up on the caps or maybe triple up on them. Hope you find some quick relief.
  2. So as soon as I lay down last night I'm having that old belly pain. WTH ? I haven't had a twinge out of that damned dragon in..
    Got back up. Made a round of Tincture 190 proof and knocked that back. Ate a capsule and let it melt for fastest hit.. Fired the Pipe 3 times. After 45 minutes things had calmed down a bit and I lay back down with just the usual get up and pee interruptions. However. This mornings cap has kicked in and I'm really launched as fuck today. ZOWWWIIIIIIIIiiiiiiii And it still twinges, STFU you bastard.

    I had to think back and figure out where I fucked up. That shaggy 2nd from the left got thinned for 45 minutes with me sitting in front of it. Had the umbrella over me and I wasn't really uncomfortable working and just got a back ouch when I got up.

    Staying on a higher dose will usually help quiet the pissed off dragon faster so I'll be in fine shape today, tomorrow, :)


    Instant Tincture.
    1/4 gram = knife tip worth
    3 or 4 half eyedroppers of 190 proof.
    Stir with knife.
    Toss in mouth and tilt head down and rock side to side to spread the burn everywhere.
    Tears in Eyes !!!
    Holy hell that kicks like a mule.
    BURN baby BURN.
    Embrace the pain........
    Swallow after the burn has faded and the tears have dried on your face. Mother that's a lot to love for an after breakfast bracer. That'll put the pucker on your kisser for sure.

    Rubs Belly gently.
    Better old friend ? Even without a decarb this helps take the urge to whimper off things.

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  3. Been a while since an entry so it's overdue. I think it was bailing the 3 inches of water from the Dinghy after the storm. I was hunched down and reaching below my feet to bail the bilge. Pain didn't hit till 2 hours later when I squatted down to pickup some yard debris. WHAMMO. SON OF A BITCH !!! Crawl into the house with the pain doubling with foot I gained towards the front door. Feels like a chain saw driving in above my navel spewing my guts everywhere.

    10 Tokes, 2 Caps, 3 Tincture Shooters, 3 Aspirin, and finally 2 Codeine before I was able to stop whimpering and yelping like a whipped Cur. It's still a strong 4 but I'm not biting my hand to keep from screaming any longer.

    I think I can make it to the garage for a few more tokes without much undue discomfort. STFU. Damn Dragon in ma Belly. Get Thee back to Sleep.

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  4. I sure hope you find some relief BNW. I always say someone out there is in way more pain than I am. And I think you are the proof of that. Sending you healing vibes and praying you feel better man.
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  5. Thanks Tim.
    The Fix lasted just about 3 hours so I doubled down on all the meds again just now and that should last me through dinner and just about time for bed..

    Happy Holidays to you and yours.

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  6. That's great man. Happy holidays to you and yours as well.
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  7. You mentioned the study showing 55–100% of women develop adhesions following pelvic surgery. But I heard that this open abdominal surgery or pelvic surgery affect women fertility. Can you elaborate on this information?
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  8. Unloaded heavy boxes of Daffodil bulbs at the Cabin last night and 11 this morning it decided that was enough to wake the blasted thing up. This is the worst it has been in years. Holy Hanna this HURTS !!!!!!!!!

    Three capsules, repeated Tinctures and toking every 45 minutes is just barely keeping me from crying out in pain. I can't get comfortable for more then 15 minutes. Laying down hurts worse. Semi reclined hurts the least. I bounce from desk chair to couch to pacing the room.

    The long time delay is just plain weird. Usually if I trigger "IT" the event isn't much more then an hour or two prior. This was more like ten hours delay between Action and Pain.

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  9. I've been doing some dumb stuff to. My back usually feels better a few days after aggravating it. It's been 4 weeks now and it's not getting any better. So, I understand dealing with pain that just doesn't go away. The heating pad is my best friend right now. I hope you feel better Brass and things turn around for you. Pain sucks.
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  10. What makes it even more annoying is the Wife called me out on it and asked "Should you be lifting that?"
    So she got to dance around singing "I told you so" while I suffered.
    No good deed goes unpunished.
    So much for me helping out. Thankfully it has subsided this morning to just a dull ache.

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  11. Skimming through the postings I find no event lasting as long or even close to it like this. Please god I remember and learn from it. NO pressure is best. Son of a bitch this is dragging on and pissing me off. I see the ultrasound test was another pressing event that woke it up.

    I get to used to taking my morning capsule and going about my life and don't really think about waking it up beyond walking long distances or at more then an amble. That one is ingrained well enough that after a few steps I'll slow down and lag from the group.

    I'm taking 2 caps everyday for breakfast, Aspirin as often as I remember and smoking Kief almost nonstop. I'm right at the limit of what is... What was I.......

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  12. Maybe it's the weather or moon cycle or something BNW. But, I suffered with the nerve pain in my back for around 5 weeks straight. I've been on and off the heating pad laying flat most of the time. Mine hasn't lasted this long since my last surgery. Thank god mine finally subsided. I hope your pain gets back to being manageable for you soon.
    • Informative Informative x 1
  13. I took 3 capsules (225mg) about an hour ago and...................... Pain is down to a tolerable point but. Kaleidoscope edges to the vision like looking through broken glass peripheral vision around a clear center. Music is drilling holes in my brain . It isn't really making holes is it ? Feels like I've got ants crawling on my face.

    This is what happens when Kats oil starts to stack. 3 yesterday for breakfast then 2 more in the late afternoon. It's catching up to me and I'll be blazing hard staying on top on the now wide awake dragon in my belly. I have to take care and enunciate carefully or it all comes out as a mouth full of marbles mumbles.

    Feels like I've been kicked in the belly. Still it is slightly better then the skewered by a bayonet pain which is the other version I get. That one will really light me up and make me dance around the room and scream. Near as I can figure I have 2 major Adhesion sites.

    The stabbing one is high at the Stoma / Colostomy bag scar. That one feels like a slow insertion of a long slender blade. It takes about a full minute for it get all the way in and tickle my spine before it starts to rotate clockwise about 2 full turns. It is quite an amazing sensation as it happens if it didn't hurt bad enough to make me scream aloud in public as I drop to my knees.

    The dull unfocused kicked in the balls / belly one is across the lower hip to hip bone scar. This is the one I've pissed off. Not as sharp an initial pain it takes longer to get cranked up to real agony. This one won't tolerate any pressure. Unbutton my pants before setting down. Use a cloths pin on the seatbelt retractor to get some slack so it doesn't press. Time to find a decent set of suspenders. :)

    I had some consults yesterday of unrelated stuff so with the slow computers and phone calls by the attending Docs I had time to kill with 3 different young Docs / Interns as the VA gets them from the Cal State Long Beach next door. I had 4 hours of brain picking about my Adhesions.
    BITE ME !!!!!
    No improvement. The same old we can go in and cut them but it stands a 90% odds of making Adhesions of their own from more surgery. Deep tissue massage might. And I stress MIGHT breakup the cross connected bands of internal scars but....... It stands about a 50% - 50% chance of aggravating things worse then they are. Ya I already knew that. I did find one local in my (Network) I may consult. Acupressure / Puncture. Now this one I haven't explored either.

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  14. Felt funny when i woke up so i took two capsules. Napped a while at 8ish and was standing in the market when things got ugly. Pain was ramping up by the moment and a cold sweat hit and I almost had to walk out and leave the other half wondering WTH I went.
    Took another capsule when I got to the house and a whole codeine and steady toking has finally eased things. Slept wrong or what I don't have a clue on this one but OUCH !!!!

    • Informative Informative x 1
  15. Happy to hear you got things back under control.
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  16. Thanks Tim. Frustrating as hell as I had great things planned for the day.. LOL All of them involve bending and moving stuff off the floor so that is out the window for the day at least.

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  17. Sometimes we just need a day of rest. My better half just reminded me to water the front garden. Out I go in the heat again.
  18. Sorry for your pain. I don't believe cannabis will do much for "fixing" internal scarring. for pain :thumbsup:, WHATEVER WORKS IMO. Ice??? Bourbon makes everything better??? :confused:
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  19. Cannabis does a respectable job of relaxing whatever is bound up inside. (Adhesions from Surgeries) Sober anything can set the dragon in my belly off. Sneezing. Tying my shoes. Bending over for dropped keys. Stoned I get most of my life back and I have to really push and do shit I know better than to do before I set the pain monster off again.

    Codeine works but the constipation it causes is a not something my shortened Colon needs to deal with. I reserve that for really serious pain events when even wall melting doses of Cannabis isn't cutting the pain. The high dose edibles mask a whole range of aches and pains left from a lifetime of construction work and I only notice all the little nagging voices when I've abstained from my capsules for a week or more. The shoulder, the back, both knees, that clicking left hip, the... It is a long list when they all wake up and start squeaking.

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