AB 390 - hope for a better future...WE ARE CALLING YOU FOR HELP!

Discussion in 'General' started by JCrohn, Feb 27, 2009.

  1. If you have been too stoned to read the news recently, you don't know that california has a bill in their assembly to LEGALIZE MARIJUANA.

    NOW IS OUR CHANCE MORE THAN EVER...WE NEED TO PUSH FOR "YES ON 390" as much as possible...it is now time to show the world that the entire pothead community is ready for legalization.

    If you can donate any money to NORML right now, please do....legalization will do so much good for this country.

    http://www.leginfo.ca.gov/pub/09-10/bill/asm/ab_0351-0400/ab_390_bill_20090223_introduced.html ((For those of you idiots who think everything on the internet is a lie....THIS IS A FUCKING GOVERNMENT WEBSITE... ITS A DOT GOV WHICH MEANS ONLY A GOVERNMENT OFFICIAL CAN POST SOMETHING ON IT))

    Join me in the cause....put YES ON 390 in your signature today!!

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