Aaaand Im Pregnant.

Discussion in 'Sex, Love & Relationships' started by Jennandtonic, May 29, 2013.

  1. Just an update for those interested. 
    I'm due around the last week of January (ish). Everything is going well, though. I am MEGA tired. My fiance couldn't be more excited. The doctor said that the probability of me doing damage to baby before knowing I was pregnant (drinking and smoking) is slim. I'm going to let my sonographer friend see what she can see tomorrow! 

  2. That's awesome!!!! How exciting!!! :) oooooh I love ultrasounds, so amazing.
  3. make sure you tell your child about jesus christ
  4. teach them the origin of 420, the way our forefathers once told
  5. Congratulations, Your life will never be the same.  Be prepared for everyone to bombard u with their opinions of parenting. But only do what you feel is right for your child. 
  6. Congratulations! I hope everything goes well for you, your S.O and your little one. :yay:
  7. Congrats!!
    Its good to hear someone being pregnant and actually being excited about it lol.. Way too many unwanted babies in the world today.
    I also plan on telling them about the Easter Bunny and Santa Claus haha
  9. #89 xpixiex, Jun 5, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 5, 2013
    Don't forget the Flying Spaghetti Monster.
  10.  "That year, a bunny claiming to be the son of Yaweh was crucified in the province of Judea"
    But seriously, as long as they aren't an idiot about it, who cares?
    Ps. When the baby is born, I expect adorable pictures to be posted. Preferably one in a bear suit.
  11. HEY! This is old. For anyone interested, I'm about 7 months along now. Baby is healthy and wiggling around as we speak. (have you ever seen a baby move around in a belly? it's weird.) We're having a baby girl, and could not be more excited!!
  12. Yay! I'm being induced verrrrryyy soon : )

    Good luck to you, lady.
    Good luck to you too! Being induced sounds scary, but I am SO ready for the next few weeks to be over with. 
  14. When women get induced its so iffy on how long delivery takes. I know when my mom had my little sisters she had been in labor for around 4 hours with absolutely no progress than got induced and was less than 15 minutes! The other sister she got induced and it took like 2.5 hours.

    Either way congrats and relax as much as possible
  15. Congrats .. Please don't listen to what these other blades and bladies say about smoking while pregnant .. do yourself a favor and quit until you have the baby .. that way when you get back on it your tolerance will be so low one hit will knock you on your ass & on top of that you'll have a healthy baby without it having any weed resin inside its lungs .. When I met my mrs. she and I were heavy smokers then when she got pregnant she stopped that whole nine months .. she didn't take not one hit of anything .. so regardless to what people say about their experiences in smoking while pregnant .. you must realize everybody has a different baby story and it would be just your luck if you smoke and end up harming your baby in any way shape or form .. what may have worked for them doesn't mean it may work for you ..  Please don't be a dumb bitch about it .. be a smart bladie and quit for nine months .. your tolerance will thank you later  .. hell and your baby ..
  16. I was induced at 2 weeks past my due date, it was a 30 hour delivery.
    Jesus christ.... I feel sorry for you.
  18. Haha Yeah we are not having anymore kids, unless my husband finds a way to grow and deliver the baby.
    No man would do that even if they could, sorry ladies. :p

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