When one of the EA execs announced off record that it was not even one of their top 10 revenue producers... Either let the ship sink or scuttle it. lol funny i saw this I was just playing kotor for shits. edit: I only wish they could drop that whole "new experiance" attitude on their site. They act like their bullshit is gods gift to gamers. Its about as exciting as that new KY jelly his and hers. Sounds like a cool innovative idea and got the "itch" to try it. But after trying it, it just burns uncomfortably for the rest of the experience and want to just go to bed after realizing your waste of time, effort, and money. Cut the shit... you're announcing F2P because you failed and don't know any other way to put it.
already? Wow, I was thinking of trying this game soon, too. Free to play, is this also another pay-to-win?? too many of these popping up. fucking cash shops and whatnot.
Its funny because I was seriously thinking about buying a year subscription.. Im very glad I waited. *goes to amazon to order SWTOR*
I knew this was going to happen when people were hitting max level just days after release and the only thing to do was to make another character. Well if nothing else the KY serves some sort of a purpose, this game just fails at all levels.
Bioware is going downhill fast, their Austin studios are full of refugees from Warhammer, galaxies and star trek. Can't also forget how all the lead designers jumped ship right after and around beta. At first I thought it was just Austin, but after seeing the me3 debacle there is a paucity of the talent there that had first mustered their original preference among rpg fans. . ... y u no good bioware.
Woah man don't just say bioware is going down Hill. E.A had them tread into territory that they have never been in. Making an MMO is an extremely difficult and daunting task. Making an MMO correctly that can compete and bring something new to MMO genre is an even more extremely difficult task. Bioware has 0 experience with MMOs, and it showed. E.A simply wanted in the MMO market because they saw the money blizzard was making as well as Trion Worlds. The MMO industry is dying though
It should have never been an MMO anyway. They should have just made a regular third installment to the KotOR games.