Check this out : T.W.I.N.K.I.E.S. is a series of experiments conducted during finals week, 1995, at Rice University. The tests were designed to determine the properties of that incredible food, the Twinkie.
I've allways wanted to try a twinkie ever since seeing one in die hard......but they don't sell them here in the Scotland....bummmer.....Peace out....Sid
what is it with college guys' obsessions w/ twinkies?! when i was in college (the first time, ha) one of our friends stuck a twinkie on his wall to see how long it lasted. the damn thing hardened, and shrunk a little, but stayed implanted on the wall all year! even after semester break, when the cleaning people come in, it was still there. apparently the cleaning staff felt it was appropriate decor for a dormroom, perhaps they were used to twinkie adornments?! then, one day, it fell off the wall. no explanation as to why or how. they decided to draw a face w/ a mustache on it, and tape it back on the wall. it remained there until the end of the year. this site is hilarious, and it brings back these odd memories xo~
I think twinkies should be a basic food group in itself!!!! LOL. But thanks, I laughed my ass off!!!! I needed that smile to say the very least. Now I'm off to bed because I've been up for days now and I'm going to visit my b/f and crawl into bed with him until I decide to wake and bake this evening!!!! May everyone have a cream filled day!!!!!!!!!