A Weed Pokedex

Discussion in 'High Ideas' started by munchymeiser900, Aug 1, 2012.

  1. Like a pokedex for whenever you buy weed. You hit the button and a voice tells you what strain the weed is and if its sativa/indica. And it also tells you the % thc.
  2. fuck man, that would be fucking cool.
    shut up and take my money!
  3. The Tokedex
  4. Omg i would buy one. Someone get on kickstarter lol
  5. Leafly.com is what your looking for, or even better the leafly app for iphone
  6. Holy shit I gotta catch em' all!
  7. There's an app that is similar to this called canapedia
  8. gotta smoke em all *
  9. I wish there was a way to identify strains just by looking at them and not having to guess.
  10. If anyone out there makes a Tokedex, I will drown your kids with my money.
  11. [quote name='"PeruvianDank"']If anyone out there makes a Tokedex, I will drown your kids with my money.[/quote]

    Hahaha whaaaaaaat????
  12. Greatest idea I've ever heard in my life no lie
  13. #13 GhanjaFog, Aug 14, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 14, 2012
    Yes OP, your idea is full of win.
    Invent this, and make it online capable so it can constantly keep an updated strain library.

    Attached Files:

  14. i saw the title and it blew my mind.

    OP make it happen
  15. I can't really make this happen but if people on here wanna spread the idea I'm sure someone will eventually make something like this.
  16. Did you guys not listen to me! Its already been made! Leafly.com!!
  17. [quote name='"LacedWithWhack"']Did you guys not listen to me! Its already been made! Leafly.com!![/quote]

    Downloaded it, its pretty good, found some dispensaries in my state, but I think OP's idea would be something more....detailed and advanced than an app, a stand-alone device entirely devoted to a weed database.

  18. im not even high and this shit sound awesome. have it list stats and everything. taste, smell, feel, all that good stuff. and if possible the level of the weed or how high the buds you have will get you so you can plan your day.
    "Martha call off my 2:00 this shit is dank...oh and get me some pizza rolls a gallon of grape drink and the dave chappelle special where he says black people dont drink juice and water lots of water....and*whispers* funyuns......yeah. "

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