A weed-centered life?

Discussion in 'General' started by averagetoker, Feb 9, 2011.

  1. So, GC, I have arrived at a conclusion. After reading numerous responses in a variety of unrelated threads, I have decided that the majority of GC considers a life that revolves around the smoking of weed to be wrong, and a life that is enhanced by marijuana to be right. What is the difference? If one smokes every day, is their life enhanced, or does their live revolve around weed?

    Please add your thoughts
  2. When it becomes a requirements in your life then its wrong. Unless its for medicinal uses.
  3. i def work weed into my daily routine. so I smoke like 4 times a day (spliffs). i guess my life is centered around weed, but its not like i can't live without it. Am i thinking about being high when I'm not high? sometimes.

    so my life revolves around me getting high. what of it. i get my shit done.
  4. i get high 2 or 3 times a day, but i do not let weed control my life, nor does my world revolve around weed.

    most of the people on gc disapprove of the people that sit on the couch all day and smoke weed, using money they got from their parents cause they cant get a job, and can barely get off the couch cause they are so damn lazy, even when they arent high. that is someone whos life revolves around herb.

    i wake up, smoke 2-3 bowls,then go surf, come back, smoke a few more bowls, do some chores, go to work, come back and smoke 5 or 6 bowls, then continue on with the rest of my day. there is a huge difference
  5. Well Said
  6. I have noticed there are some addicts on here. Since there is no technical physical addiction, they use this as an excuse to smoke every day, all day. Some wont even stop for drug tests, or if their parents will kick them out. They just say fuck all I do what I want

  7. lolz, I do wat I want!
    until I get caught. which has yet to happen.
  8. Im a stoner all i like to do is smoke. but dont get me wrong i smoke 3+ times a day but when i have shit to do i do it before i even think about smoking. Life is great when your high but you will always have responsibility's and they should always come first no matter how small they are. Mary jane is a reward for doing good not an excuse to slack off.
  9. The way I see it is:
    Life-enhancer = glass is half-full
    Life-revolves around weed = glass is half-empty

    If you smoke weed fairly often (though I am targeting mainly every day smokers), would you not agree that nearly every facet of life is affected by weed-smoking? Your choice of friends, music, people who inspire you, to involvement in issues that affect society (like the legal status of weed) are all undeniably different than if you didn't and never have smoked weed before (I presume).

    Since different friends, tastes in music, etc. are a result for both those who use weed as a life-enhancer and those whose lives revolve around weed, couldn't it be said that, ultimately, no matter how we use weed, what makes us who we are is affected?
  10. I puff daily cause i truely enjoy it, I don care what im classified as, i do it because i got mad love for the herb. when i dont enjoy smokin bud, Ill stop. till then, im puttin it in the air

  11. Wow, I want to be you. lol

  12. I also puff every day, but have just been really thinking about Mj's place in my life
  13. There's nothing wrong with a good reality check.

    I however, am feeling myself start to get this way. Just really unmotivated at everything, and having problems sleeping.

    I think a nice, long, long, long, long break will be instore for me.

  14. ahhhey youre describing me!

    cept for the job part tho bro
  15. i love weed like i love mountains and rivers and trees and birds and dogs and lovers and friends and stars and storms.
  16. #16 averagetoker, Feb 9, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 9, 2011
    Yeah, a nice long break is in store for me....in a nice long time. I have no intentions on stopping soon, but have made a large realization... My friends? All smoke weed. Girls? Don't like 'em unless they smoke. Favorite thing to do with friends on an average day? Smoke.

    See a trend?

    I used to be a life-enhancer smoker, smoking exclusively in groups, giggling and laughing with friends. Even my first few times smoking alone (good times, some of the best) it was a life enhancer. Now, surrounded by friends who love weed, favorite songs that evoke strong memories of smoking and probably mention it, and every thing else, I am clearly living a life that is strongly integrated with the use of marijuana.

    Does my life revolve around weed or does it still enhance my life, seeing as I only try to befriend smokers, find girls who smoke, and smoke a lot in my free time, yet still do better in school than society's average college student, considered my "job" at this point in my life? Is this a problem, or just an inevitable consequence of daily smoking?

  18. This is a forum dedicated to weed so...yanoo. people are going to speak of weed related shit...inner weed thoughts...things you do while smoking...weed..weed...weed...IDK IDK IDK.
  19. nothing wrong with it if you make it work. if thats what you enjoy then by all means do it.

    my life is weed-centerd, but not in a bad way. i want to move to a medical state so i can get a licesnse, get dank budd, and not worry about the law. id also like to work with medical marijuana id wake up every morning and actualy enjoy work, and wake up happy.

    just blazed a bowl of some amsterdam la cheese, gonna light up a bowl of mystery nud from amsterdam thenh go put work in at the gym.

  20. That's where I'm at right now. It's not a problem, but it's really not helping me out. I need to clear up a little and let bud be something that is part of my life, not be my whole life.

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