A Walkthrough of Buddhist Terminology

Discussion in 'Religion, Beliefs and Spirituality' started by TheJourney, Feb 10, 2013.

  1. I would like to share an explanation/translation of some fundamental Eastern concepts...

    Tanha = thirst, craving
    Which correlates with…
    Karma = Laws of action/reaction implicit in reality

    Playing with material/sensual reality is called…
    Tantra = Playing human, as God, or God as human. The Art and Science of Divinity. How can I see God, be God, find Goddess, be with Goddess.

    All of these things arise from…
    Sunyata = Emptiness, Void

    The reality of which means that all movement of life, its never-ending searching, is…
    Samsara = Cycles of Reality, never-ending, ultimately un-satisfactory

    This is due the reality of…
    Anitya = Impermanence, due to the necessary end of all which has a beginning

    This, one of the highest teachings, is one aspect of…
    Dharma = Truth embedded in the fabric of Reality itself

    The One who sees this(there can only be one, from every perspective other than ‘his’ own) is called…
    Buddha = The Awoken One. Is all things/people/Gods, no things/people/Gods, all manifested as one thing/person/God, whom we have called ‘Buddha’ for convenience.

  2. I'm so lucky to have picked up The Dhammapada. Its changing my life.

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