A Thread For Corn-on-the-cob,,,, Addicts,

Discussion in 'General' started by chicken, Jul 17, 2008.

  1. my close friends,,,, TELL ME AM ADDICTED TO COBBED CORN,,,,, well they are right,,,,,, i eat corn-on-the-cob,,,, '' A LOT'',,,,, at least 4 days out of 7 when corn is in season,,,,,,,'' IT'S A MAJO PART OF MY DIET''.....

    reaized how bad my addiction was about 2 weeks ago,,,,,,, we were working near a garden,,,,that was very far from the owners house,,,,,,

    i robed his garden blind,,,,, i was stripping ears of corn off many of his plants,,,,,,, my addition has leveled me to ;; STEALING'' to feed y habit,,,,,

    if you love the cob,,,, give a hollar,,,,,, as young kids corn-on-the-cob,,,,, is injected ino our youn minds,,,,,


    just thinking about it maes me twitch,,,,, i had the cob last night,,,,,,,

    and got 2 more ears on '' stand-by''

    man i am obsessed with the cob,,,,!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:cool:
  2. no fucking way im boiling some right now, got 15 ear in the fridge
  3. cant beat the stuff man, i love it so much i started growin

    i already got 6 ears!
  4. chicken,,,,,,, i Live in indiana,,, yo,,,

    were the fucking capital of "corn on the cob",,,,,you know
  5. I love me some goood buttery salty corn on the cob, could eat it all night baby alll night.
  6. its better than corn off the cob, thats for damn sure. i only eat corn if its still attached to the cob
  7. i can eat the shit out of some corn on the cob :hello:
    damn, now i want some
  8. it's nice to know im not the only one who '' GOES KOO-KOO FOR COCOA PUFF'S'' over a ear of corn,,,,,,,,

    sometimes i tell my lady friend that a ear of corn driping with butter and heavily peppered down,,,,,,,

    is better than sex,,,,,,

    her reply ..........

    is '' i have issues'' ..............

    yeah maybe i do,,,,,,,i really hate '' ETHANOL'' it's made from corn,,,,,

    which means that is ears that aint available to me,,,,,,, and that's upsetting,!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:cool:

  9. chewing gum. i can go through 6 lbs of double bubble in less than a month. no joke.
  10. BBQ'd Corn on the cob is the shit had some last night
  11. Whats Corn on the Cob?

    I eat ELOTE, esp those from the eloteros. Its like corn on the cob with mayo/cheese and butter and chile. Dukes push them out of shopping carts.

    If i could, i'd get you one chicken. With some churros with salt and limon.
  12. I had some cobbed corn today!
  13. hahaha the funniest thign is... I saw at least 2 TRUCKS sitting on the side of the road selling FRESH CORN ON THE COB!!! today ahahahaha... Funny shit

    Of course I love corn on the cob.... Buttery and salt and peppered omg...... zomg....
  14. Have you ever tried peeling some nice sweet corn of the stalk just before its ready to be picked and eat it raw right there. its delicious.
  15. i loooove corn on the cob. and if it's really good, there's no need to put butter on it. i just hate it when it gets stuck in my teeth. HEY! this reminds me of nacho libre.

  16. BBQed corn on the cob, with some onions and butter wrapped around it... Mmm tasty as a mother fucker!!! But on the real, yous one country mother fucker, you know that Chicken? Only thing I dont like about corn on the cob... The way it comes out :D
  17. Hells yes... I can't begin to tell you how good that shit is... mmm...

    Get me some butter and some salt and pepper, HOT DAMN!
  18. It's delicious but the fact that I come out of eating it with yellow hunks of shit stuck in all the crevices of my teeth makes me not like it.
  19. same here,,,best part is,,,,my girl is the same as me....ya know that butter and salt thats on the plate left ofer???:smoke:??? we inject that shit between our toes!!!!!(((helps the foot fetish flourish)))......course,,,that would explain the heart palpatations....

    edit: foot fetish flourish....say that five times fast!!!

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