a thought about reality

Discussion in 'Science and Nature' started by FatGrow, Aug 20, 2013.

  1. #1 FatGrow, Aug 20, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 20, 2013
    after reading my mind feels full and connected, but after reading today I was thinking If there was never light there would be dark, so we would never have knowledge or awareness of our body, but when there is really light it's just light taking the place of darkness, so are we really just energy thinking that it's human?.

  2. even the end result of the food we eat  or liquids we drink is energy.
  3. I wouldn't say that we are light thinking its human ,so much as we are light having a human experience. 
  4. What exactly do you mean by energy? Energy has a lot of different connotations behind it.
  5. energy as a spirit
    Then no.
  7. soul/consciousness, I was thinking of spirituality at the time I said spirit.
  8. We all came from one (a single) source, whether you believe all of matter was smaller than the size of the point of a pen and started expanding after the Big Bang, that god 'created' the universe, or that this universe is one big program that's nothing more than 1's and 0's. So yes, we're all one, experiencing itself. It doesn't matter what you call it, energy, consciousness, spirit, computer code, whatever, but space and time is what allows this richness of differentiation and self observation to exist.
    Rephrasing your question, we're all humans, some of which are still tricked into thinking that they are a separate part of the universe instead of the universe itself. But this deception of being an individual surrounded by other separate beings is what makes life so interesting, similar to how humans are able to enjoy plays or movies even though they are fake, via consciously allowing the movie to deceive their sense. This oneness is deceiving itself so it can enjoy itself.
  9. Without light there wouldn't be darkness. They exist as contrasts of each other (the absence of one is the presence of the other)
    Do not understand where you are coming from.
    The soul and consciousness are not the same thing. Consciousness is the result of the synapses in our brains translating sensory experience into awareness. It's neurological.
    The soul? What is that?
  11. You don't need a brain to be conscious. There are different levels of consciousness.
  12. Every 50 years since the dawn of our kind on this planet... to our knowledge of recorded history...
    There has been some sort of atrocity, usually man made where thousands if not tens of thousands if not hundreds of thousands if not millions of people perish off this world.
    People take life for granted.
    Almost like it could never happen again.
    So is it dependent on a brain or neuronal cells?
    What about living organisms that don't have brains but that can experience their environment and are aware of their environment relative to their self?
    Define soul and consciousness.
    Consciousness is dependent on neuronal cells. It may not be recognized by an individual (such as an ant), but it works towards a main goal (reproduction in the queen [using this example]). Conscious is awareness of something within oneself, but not necessarily that which makes up oneself. Ants are a perfect example. They work to help their queen reproduce, while fancying themselves as workers for their queen (does choice matter?). I personify them to demonstrate my example, don't attack that example literally.
    I asked what soul is. I never had a definition, because in my experience, the soul is perpetually undefinable. Please answer the question I've already asked, instead of asking the same question.
  15. cant you control your neurological system by being conscious?
    Consciousness is a result of the neurological system. Did you not read my last post?
  17. what do you mean? source?
  18. so you can you control your neurological system?
    Yes and no, depends on what you're trying to control. The more you think about something, the stronger and healthier the neurons and synapses get, offering less electrical resistance. So the more you think or do something, the easier it will come to you. Basically electricity taking the path of least resistance. That's where things like meditation and practice making perfect come into play. The less you use certain neurons, the synapses will get weaker and in some cases wither away to allow the brain to be more efficient for whatever it is you're doing in life.
    There's also a ton of subconscious action going on you can't control, and some that you don't really control but have the option to, like holding your breath. Gross story, but I was eating Chinese food one day and as I was bout to take a bite I looked down and saw this nasty piece of lettuce, but I was already in motion and ate it. I thought "I really shouldn't have eaten that" and when it hit my stomach, it was like a bomb went off. My stomach was doing all sorts of contortions I never felt before. Then it got into my intestines and I could feel it traveling at high speed, so I ran to the toilet and out came the piece of lettuce with a couple pieces of rice.. Saying that it took 5 minutes total is being generous, probably more like 3 to get from my mouth and out my ass. Your stomach is lined with nerve cells too, and I would like to think that I used my consciousness to help sway my subconscious into actions it normally doesn't take.
    So it's not a black and white answer, and as with most things with the brain, there's a spectrum of possibilities.
    But in terms of consciousness as being aware of one's self or your surroundings, that's a product of evolution. Energy isn't alive, aware, or conscious. If anything, you could call it unconscious, stretching it to unconscious "life". The connections you feel to the universe, the world, nature, other humans, is all in you head, literally and physically. It's your brain taking in everything it can and trying to make sense of the world based on what it takes in to better help it (you) better survive. Cool thing is though, through evolution we've been randomly gifted what we have, and what we have are awesome natural tools that we used to more comfortably live. Once we secured that, we really freed up our brains to be able to take the time to think about other things than "how can I not get eaten today?".
    Plus, even if (a BIG if) the universe was conscious and all that junk, it really wouldn't matter. You're no different to it than a rapist, or a rock, or the Horsehead nebula, Hitler, Jesus, or anything and everything else you can think of, good or bad. Not only that, like evolution, if it was alive, after so long it again wouldn't matter. To keep things simple, we went from fish to amphibians to reptiles to rodent like mammals into primates and ending with humans, but it's not like you can fuck a fish or rat and make babies. It's too far down on the ladder. Now if our very last evolutionary ancestors were still alive, there's a chance we could hook up. After too many changes though, it becomes impossible. Look at the universe, energy, matter, life, like that.. After so many changes and advances, it becomes incompatible. Sure, it can still interact, but not in a meaningful way other than almost as competition to exist.
  20. Wouldn't we still have our bodies but just without any light? In that sense we are still the same being, we are just all blind and can only feel ..

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