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A Thieving Connection?

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by Truami, Aug 5, 2012.

  1. I recently contacted an old source to try to get a hookup. The individual lives in near-by town and use to hook me up with nug often. After moving last year, they have traveled up here a couple of times to get my money, leave, and come back.

    Three months ago, they did this but the connection fell through (the dealer never contacted them after receiving the money). I felt like they had stolen from me. I didn't contact them again until yesterday.

    I got a quick reply that it would be no issue. They arrived soon after the designated time, picked up the money, and left.

    Hours went by with no contact. At 5 hours, I sent the first text with no reply. 7 hours, a follow-up text requesting a contact. Finally, at 20 hours I called. No answer.

    If I do not hear from this individual, is there anything I can do. I am considering calling their apartment complex to report the offense but I do not want to get caught in the battle of words and end up incriminating myself with solicitation.

    Do police departments release names of individuals who have been charged? I can also verify the person was not caught.
  2. Never give your money to someone to go get tree, always get it before you give the money, rookie mistake #1.
  3. What's the number 1 rule everyone? Say it with me now


    Never ever give the money before you see the product. And what are you going to tell the police department? that you got your money stolen trying to buy a federally illegal substance? Im sorry to be so straight forward but you probably lost the money. How much was it?
  4. It's technically an illegal deal, so you can't tell any law enforcement about it -_-. You lost your money, that's life.
  5. You gave someone that robbed you once money a second time and now you want to snitch?

    Don't leave the house without a helmet.
  6. Never front. Especially if it's a guy you haven't seen in like a year. It's kind of mostly your fault you got robbed
  7. They have hooked me up for 3 years. I am a shy person who can rarely find a connection. I suffer from muscle pain, insomnia, depression and my overal well-being sky-rockets with mary-jane.

    Many of these replies were rude or redundant. I didn't say I was contacting the cops, but was to contact the apartments the person lives at.

    Sorry for forgeting my helmet and trying to act on the only chance I had.
  8. Hey man, fuck all those kids. It is alright, you're left with a lesson you can replace the money. I got hustled $280 once, just be glad you didn't (hopefully) lose that much. G.C is full of good members btw, I apologize on behalf of the immature members above. I wouldn't suggest confronting the dealer either because you really can't tell if he is packing heat or not.

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