A Terrible Weed Experience

Discussion in 'General' started by mixing metaphors, Jul 4, 2014.

  1. So, last night was a very stressful night for me at work and then some stuff going on in my life. I decided to vape after work and got home and just started getting dizzy. I have been vaping daily for around 4 months. I felt woozy and went to the couch and tried to relax and watch TV. I ended up having a full-blown panic attack.
    I have greened out on edibles before but this was different. I felt this cold feeling in my chest and I was sweating and thought I was going to die. I told my husband to call 911 and he wouldn't because he thought I would be arrested (!?!?) 
    paramedics came over and did an EKG and nothing abnormal. I ended up going to bed later but I still feel some residual panic.
    This has NEVER happened before on weed. A few questions: can I still vape it after I recover from this? Does it have any long-lasting effects and why the hell did it happen? Also, was my husband's paranoia warranted? 

  2. Your husband was right to do that. I've had friends get tickets and even go to jail because of their inexperience or paranoia with ganja. This one guy I used to hang out with was just plain stupid when he got stoned, and eventually got in some trouble. Not saying you are, just a statement.
    As for what you went through, the only thing I can imagine is someone tainted your stash by accident (or intentionally, but less likely). Or maybe you ate something you shouldn't have or that was rotten, it kinda sounds like food poisoning. 
    Maybe take it a little easy for now on. Try the brownie rule: take a little, wait and see how you feel, then if you're up to it, go again. 
    You can browse some of the current research on the association between cannabis use and panic attacks by entering "cannabis panic attack" in the Search box at the US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health 
    I've gotten a couple panic attacks myself over the years and have never been able to find any pattern or cause. As you've just experienced, the panic attack is different than just the "paranoia" that many experience at various times in the weed usage. It's probably a similar neurological mechanism but maybe with the gain cranked way the fuck up. I dunno.
    One thing is for certain - you aren't alone in your experience. A study by AD Hathaway (2003) found that among weekly users of cannabis, approximately 40% reported having had at least one panic attack related to such use. These prevalence rates are noteworthy in light of lifetime rates of panic attacks among the general population of approximately 5%–8% (Katerndahl & Realini, 1993).
    One must never forget that even though weed and its cannabinoids are natural and fairly safe for most adults that have no psycho-pathological abnormalities, we are still fucking with our brain's endocannabioid system and that can have profound (or not) effects - some good, others not so good -  on everything associated with that system. Contrary to what most of us stoners want to believe, our beloved weed can and does sometimes produce some rather undesirable neurological effects - panic attacks being one of the more common and disagreeable of the lot.
    "Emerging evidence supports a number of associations between cannabis and psychosis/psychotic disorders, including schizophrenia. These associations-based on case-studies, surveys, epidemiological studies, and experimental studies indicate that cannabinoids can produce acute, transient effects; acute, persistent effects; and delayed, persistent effects that recapitulate the psychopathology and psychophysiology seen in schizophrenia. Acute exposure to both cannabis and synthetic cannabinoids (Spice/K2) can produce a full range of transient psychotomimetic symptoms, cognitive deficits, and psychophysiological abnormalities that bear a striking resemblance to symptoms of schizophrenia. In individuals with an established psychotic disorder, cannabinoids can exacerbate symptoms, trigger relapse, and have negative consequences on the course of the illness. Several factors appear to moderate these associations, including family history, genetic factors, history of childhood abuse, and the age at onset of cannabis use. Exposure to cannabinoids in adolescence confers a higher risk for psychosis outcomes in later life and the risk is dose-related."
    \nGone to Pot – A Review of the Association between Cannabis and Psychosis
    All things considered, I still have my plants growing toward an early fall harvest, and I will smoke most of their buds with a smile on my face unless I'm presented with overwhelming evidence (or personal experience) that I'd be much better off avoiding the plant.

  4. thank you! Very awesome post and super helpful. 
    First person who replied - could I have gotten a ticket or something? I really thought I was going to die. the paramedics didn't knwo about the weed so it was ok. But he did tell the 911 dispacher. So I am on some list or something? I also called poison control and the lady was really cold to me. wtf. 
  5. yes you can smoke again. no, it shouldnt have any lasting effects.

    yes, your husbands paranoia was probably warranted. if police came and they saw anything you would be charged. if you were in the house i also believe they have probable cause to actually search, not 100% on that though.

    however, even in a panic attack its still weed. you arent in danger. why invite problems like police for no reason?
  6. Good call on his part!!

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