A tag I made for my DJ friend

Discussion in 'The Artist's Corner' started by Sovereign Psyche, Oct 19, 2010.

  1. #1 Sovereign Psyche, Oct 19, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 19, 2010
    Everything is original to the photo.
    I was really just fucking around, not trying to make a <tag>. It was my first time back in Photoshop in about 3 years.

    Or if you prefer

    Attached Files:

  2. No offense at all, but it's very basic and amateur. Not digging it at all.

  3. I wouldn't say it's that bad at all for someone who is new at Photoshop.

    I think one of the big mistakes a lot of new Photoshop users make is relying too much on filters, and there is evidence of that here.
    Also, regarding the second attempt, I'd have picked a different font. :p

    It's a good start though, in my opinion. :smoking:
  4. You mean you wouldn't call an amateur's work amateur? :p

    Absolutely. Reminds me of some of the photos I edited years and years ago when I first started. When you first start out its fun to mess with those basic effects, but when you look back you realize just how generic it is to use those basic effects.

  5. Lol, well, he stated himself that it was amateur work. But as far as amateur work goes, I've seen much, much, much worse. :p

    Same here with the filters and such. I think one of the first ones I discovered was the "plastic wrap" filter or whatever it's called.
    I was so impressed with it at the time, and looking back now it's like... I don't think I'd ever even touch that these days. :poke:

    I'm not a professional graphic designer or anything like that, I've just been playing with Photoshop for the past 6 years and I feel like I've learned quite a bit in the process.
    I'm still learning new things all the time, though. :cool:

    Now if I could just figure out how to not be so anal that I spend hours upon hours trying to pick the perfect font... That part gets annoying. :hide:
  6. idk that background is pretty rad looking, I dig it

    You coulda tied in that font to make it look a lil smoother, but I know how long it takes to get photoshop skills!
  7. #7 Sovereign Psyche, Oct 20, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 20, 2010
    Send me to a thread with some of yall's work so I can get a better understanding of what you mean, because to me the only thing else I can think of to do besides combine photos is use original hand-drawn or digital art.

    I don't see the filters as "amateurish" at all. I see filters like distortions for an electric guitar, or perhaps more similar to the distorted sounds for FL. They are just another "color" in the final design.

    Idk. I suppose to me it looks a little better because of my bias, but I really like the colors and the border/lines and the progression of ideas that took place in the manipulation of the picture.

    I agree that the one with the tag looks slightly worse; I don't think it's the font though, but I'm not really sure what it is. I also can't decide if the guy should be outlined or not either. Right now I think it ties the reality into the trip better if the guy isn't outlined.
  8. Yeah I totally dig the picture! I couldn't make a picture look cool like that, I'm pretty much only good with words and matching them... I have a siggy thread floating around somewhere lol

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