A summation of our times?

Discussion in 'Politics' started by AHuman, Jan 20, 2010.

  1. Quote from Felipe Fernandez-Armesto (award winning historian and writer) that I found interesting;

    'The world already looks doomed to extinction. Western power is going the way of previous dinosaurs. The United States- the last sentinel of Western supremacy, is in relative decline, challenged from East and South Asia. Pluralism looks increasingly like a path to showdown instead of a panacea for peace. Population trends on a global level are probably going into reverse. Capitalism seems to have failed and is now stigmatised as greed. A reaction against individual excess is driving the world back to collective values. Fear of terror overrides rights; fear of slumps subverts free markets. Consumption levels and urbanisation are simply unsustainable at recent rates in the face of environmental change. The throwaway society is headed for the trash heap. People who sense that 'modernity' is ending proclaim a 'postmodern age'.

    Right? Wrong? Discuss! :D
  2. Its time for CHANGE...:D
  3. Pretty much sums it up.

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