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A strain called "Hydro"?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by UpstateToking, Jan 30, 2011.

  1. I asked my dealer what he has and he said he had "hydro". I looked it up and couldn't really find anything about a specific strain of that. Any ideas?
  2. Hydro means hydroponics and refers to the way the weed was grown. Though dealers will sometimes (more often than not) use the term loosely and could just be another word for dank.
  3. ya i had some cali dro this last summer one strain was ak-47 one was gdp and one was white widow its just a term
  4. depending on your location it could mean a few things
    a- your dealer is just talking about some good weed
    b- hes talking about weed that seems to be or is known to be hydroponically grown. (solid tight dense nugs)
    c- hes talking about some good quality mids
  5. in my area dro usually refers to good weed(which i hate btw)

  6. This pretty much. More than likely it wasn't grown hydroponically but is just what he calls dank.
  7. lol a strain called hydro
  8. I'm going to make a strain called Hydra, then everyone's gonna be confused.
  9. Definitely. Find two strains and hybrid them, making a hydra.

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