A stoner's guide to quitting nicotine

Discussion in 'Fitness, Health & Nutrition' started by Freedom, Jun 11, 2009.

  1. Quit smoking again! Got bronchitis so I figured I might as well seize the moment and turn bronchitis into something that can help me. Ten days later and it feels good! I haven't been wheezing at all. Still a bit phlemmy but I still have like four days worth of antibiotics for my bronchitis. Got a dr's appointment in two weeks which will also help me with not caving in. Everyone who smokes knows how it feels when your doc asks ya if you are still smoking cigarettes and you say yes with much shame and guilt :p

    I can't wait to see how I feel in a month or two! I no longer wake up with a raspy voice that I have to "talk off".

    This time, I will not go back. Cigarettes were fun at times. But llist of pros, FAR outway the huge list of cons. Ten days cigarette free, and I can't wait to report back in another ten days with a 20 day update :hello:
  2. I quit about 2 months ago and its been great. You feel free from the chains of cigarettes.

    Also I can kick some ass at sports now...expecially against my smoking friends hahaha

    I also gained 10lbs....without any change or exercise or diet (good thing, I'm still only 132 :p)

    Advise for anyone trying to quit...read 'never take another puff' free ebook, google it.
    And, especially the first month, don't give into the cravings! Your minds gunna play tricks on you too accept the nicotine again, don't do it! Just keep the freeing light at the end of the tunnel in mind
  3. Same situation with the friends...what I did was just talk shit to them about them being addicted to cancer blah blah...that was the only way I could cope with not having them and watching all them smoke em :p haha it worked tho
  4. I am glad I read this again... nearing the 48 hour mark, and I feel like Cartman in the Tsst episode where his evil side is fighting his good side.
  5. Freedom, I can't thank you enough for this guide. And a big thanks to everyone that contributed their stories, and advice. Really inspiring stuff!

    I've got a bit of a situation going on myself. Not sure how exactly to explain it, but I know something has to be done about it.

    I'll elaborate a little more tomorrow, I need some sleep.
  6. 3 Month mark yesterday! Woooohhooo!

    The monthly cigs money jar is now at $360!!!
  7. ^Congrats brother! I wanna make the move sometime soon. The weathers getting nice, and I gotta get riding my bike.

    I figure what better time to quit? Nice weather + fitness + no cigarettes = good summer :D
  8. Man the other week I was helping a friend dig a ditch...just constant swinging a pick and shovel. After a while he was like man you want to take a break? And it's suddenly dawned on me that no! I in fact didn't need one! Fuck that felt good to realize how not out of breath I was!
  9. Doooooooo it! Its gonna fucking blow.....then be awesome as shit! lol.
  10. ^Thanks man. I do know the feeling. I've gone a year without cigarettes, but I wasn't doing any biking or much exercise that year.

    Right now I haven't actually SMOKED a cigarette in about a week (6 days)

    But I've been smoking little pinches of it in some of my bowls.

    Had a pinch this morning, and another pinch just a little while ago when I got home.

    I'm not disappointed, it's much better than smoking packs and packs.
  11. Has anyone gone over the E-cig method? I dunno if there's any proven methods or steps to this, But I'm down from a pack a day to 1 real cig, if that, a day. And I've been using my e-cig less and less every day. Weening away from my smoking fixation.
  12. 4months today! I'm starting to think about it less and less now. still an urge from time to time but not nearly as bad. And I'll be stopping by the bank on the way home from work and getting this months cig money for the jar. $480 bucks now...
  13. Damn sofaking, what ya gonna do with all that dough? Go on vacation?

  14. Keep it up man, it's amazing to not have cigs control your life!
  15. Nope, at six month mark I am buying a new gun. A .17 Cal I think. I want a permanent reminder of what I can do without cigs. A gun last a lifetime and when I pass that gun down to my son one day I will tell him how I got it. And after I get the gun the $120 a month will go into savings for a truck payment. It's money I have literally burned away the last 10years of my life, bout time it made me happy instead of helped to kill me!

    I was at a pack a day when I quit to man. I STRONGLY suggest you do the money jar man. Put ever penny you would normally spend on cigs in that jar, whatch it grow! And have a reward for just you with the cash.
  16. My uncle bought his dream car that way, but started smoking again right after, even though he had quit for a couple of years.
  17. I'm going to be stronger than your uncle.
  18. mmm but cigarettes taste so good high );
  19. Do you plan to quit?
    i've been trying, but failing miserably :/ i fiend for them when i dont have a pack

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